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I sit at my desk at the hospital several days later, twirling a pen through my fingers. My neck snaps up when there's a knock at my door. It opens to reveal a pretty, petite, blonde woman, whose hair is cut short.

"Doctor Watson? I'm Mary Morstan." She smiles and holds out her hand. I stand up to shake it.

"How can I help you?" I say, placing the pen on the desk and leaning back on it. I have to admit, she's pretty.

"I'm here to interview for the nurses position, the lady at reception told me to come here."

"Yes, well, alright. Have a seat." I motion to the chair across from my desk and go around the desk to sit at my own. I ask her dull questions about her experience and college degrees, not really paying attention but writing the answers down anyway. Once my eyes reach the bottom of the page I stand up and hold out my hand for another handshake.

"Thank you mary. We'll get back to you soon alright?" I smile and she removes her hand, leaving a small piece of paper.

"See you around Doctor Watson." She walks out and closes the door.

The paper has a phone number on it, hers I presume. I want to crumple it up and throw it away, but I decide to pocket it instead. After the day is over, I decide to walk back to the flat. Whistling, the cool air brushes over my face.

Once I reach the flat I march up the stairs, eager to see Sherlock again. However, once the door opens I'm hit with the smell of rotten eggs. Wrinkling my nose, I take the steps 2 at a time. "Sherlock, what did you do?!" I ask horrified at what I see when I enter.

The walls are coated with some sort of pink substance that seems to be oozing. Broken test tubes lie all around the table and the rotten smell makes me nauseated.

"Oh, just a little experiment." He says, waving his hand and going back to his microscope.

"A little experiment? Little?! You've ruined the flat!"

He looks up and stands from his spot, crossing his hands behind his back. "Just like I ruin everything else I assume?'

"Exactly! Sherlock, you're so idiotic!"

"Why do you say that? You're the one who has no idea what they're doing. You go out on dates every night with different women. Haven't you figured out it isn't working for you?" He says, unfolding his hands, his voice raising.

That hit a sensitive spot. With fury building up in me I scream. "Not only do you ruin everything with your dumb experiments but you're also too stupid to realize that I love you!" As soon as I said it, I cover my mouth with my hands.

"You love me?" he says, stunned.

"Yes! But not like it matters!" I scream, prepared to leave the flat.

"I love you too." He says quietly.

I advance on him, knowing he's lying. "Liar! You're only saying that! You're only saying it to hurt me!"

"John, wait!"

"I refuse Sherlock! I'm done!" I exit the flat, knowing that what I said was probably wrong but not wanting to fix it.

Once I reach the sidewalk I pull out my phone and the number. Dialing it into my phone, I listen to it ring until a sweet voice picks up.

"Mary? I could use a huge favour."   

Happy For the Stranger (Johnlock)Where stories live. Discover now