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(A/N Sort of a filler chapter. Sorry for changing POV's so much)

We sit together in the hospital for days and nights talking together and me sleeping next to him in the hospital bed, and I insist that he should go home and get some proper rest, but he insists that he has to stay here and watch over me. I don't argue, because I like having him with me, but I wish he would go to the flat.

"So." I say as the sky begins to grow dark and Sherlock walks back into the room after getting a cup of coffee. "The doctors say that I can go home day after tomorrow if I continue to get better." I smile hopefully at Sherlock and he does something very rare. He smiles. Putting out a finger I motion for him to come closer, and when he does I whisper in his ear. "You have a beautiful smile."

He pulls away before kissing my cheek and taking his seat in the chair beside me. I'm not sure how he will take this, but I grab his hand and ask him a question. "Sherlock? WIll you come into the bed with me?"

He looks up in surprise, but nods and smiles, putting one legs up on the bed, then the other, snuggling up next to me.

I feel his nose next to my neck, than a pair of soft lips. I smile and slowly drift to sleep again. I can really get used to this.

When I wake up again, there's an empty space next to me, and I miss the body that was there a few hours ago.

"Sherlock?" I call softly. "Sherlock?"

"Right here love." I feel a presence on the other side of me, so I roll over to meet a pair of soft lips and a mop of curly hair.

"Good." I whisper and he kisses me gently. I can't believe that this actually happened. I think to myself as he pulls away and looks into my eyes. The man I love loves me back. He climbs in the bed again and snuggles up next to me.

"I can't wait to go home again." He whispers.

"What are you waiting for?" I chuckle. "Go sleep at the flat tonight! I'll be coming home in a few days anyway. Please go home."

He scowls at me, but I give him my master death glare. "Fine, fine, I'll go!" He throws his hands up in surrender and stalks out of the room, but not before a quick goodbye kiss and an exchange of goodbyes.

I fall asleep almost immediately, dreams being filled with a wonderful, curly haired man.

Sherlock's POV

Turning my coat collar against the wind I decide to walk back to the flat. It's not too cold and the flat isn't too far away.

Glancing up at the stars I smile. They remind me of John's eyes. My John.

I'm so glad he's ok. I smile to myself as I walk down the street, getting strange looks from people passing by, but I just smile and nod, because my life is good, and nothing could ever be better.  

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