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Sherlock and John live a happy, long life together. Like every marriage, there are disputes and arguments, but they always overcome those, because their love in stronger than anything that can come in between.

2 years into their marriage, they adopt and baby boy that they name Hamish, and even John says he loves the name, even though it's his middle name and he hates it, he thinks it fits their child perfectly. Hamish has dark hair like Sherlock and bright blue eyes. John calls his their little miracle because he looks like Sherlock even though they're not biologically related.

A year later they adopt a baby girl, with curly blonde hair and a spunky attitude. Sherlock's special nickname for her is Bee, and eventually they move out of the flat to a bigger home in the country where Hamish and Rosie play all day outside, exploring and laughing until they come home in the evening caked in mud and leaves, faces red and happy. In the winter John and Sherlock help them build snowmen and snow forts, tucking them both into bed each night, then sitting watching telly with a glass of wine, or just talking, or making love in their bedroom.

They don't lose contact with Molly, and even get the honor of being best men at her wedding with Tom. Hamish is the ring boy and Rosie is the Flower Girl.

The kids grow up and move away, getting married and having kid of their own but Sherlock and John stay in their cabin in the country until they decide to move into their old flat, 221B Baker Street.

They live to old age together, having adventures and their love never dying. It's an eternal candle that never blows out, and never will.   

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