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 All of a sudden, I feel his arms around my neck and a soft whisper in my ear.

"Yes, Sherlock, yes, of course I'll marry you."

He pulls away and I take the opportunity to slip the ring onto his finger. The restaurant erupts in applause and I feel a hand on my shoulder. I see the man from the bathroom passing with a soft smile.

"Good job mate." He looks at John. "You are going to be a very happy couple." He nods and walks toward his own table.

"Who was that Sherlock?" John asks me, and I glance over at the table where I see that man fidgeting with his pocket and when we make eye contact I give him a thumbs up.

"Met him in the washroom. He's proposing tonight too." I smile at him and place my hand on his, our new rings shining in the the light.

Several minutes later, we hear a squeal and turn around to see a pretty young woman jumping into the arms of the man. They kiss briefly and he slides the ring onto her finger. We start applauding with everyone else.

"Love sure is in the air tonight." John says happily and he takes a small bite of the free dessert as a congratulations for the proposal form the restuarant. After the plate is scraped clean, I pay the bill and walk John outside.

We decide to walk back to the flat, the cool evening air washing over us. Our hands are intertwined, my right and his left. I can feel his band pressing against my finger and I touch it lightly. Glancing at him, I can see his smile and my heart flutters.

We get to the front of the flat and he kisses me gently outside the door. "Thank you for tonight. I love you."

"I love you too." I open the door for him after kissing him one more time.

We meet Molly in the hallway. She's holding hands with a tall man.

"Hello Molly." I smile and wave, deciding to be friendly. After all, I'm in a very high place, I'm getting married!

"Hello Sherlock." She waves. "Oh, Sherlock, John, this is my boyfriend Tom."

"Hello Tom." John says politely and shakes hands with the bloke, but I break apart from John's hand and proceed to circle the man. If one of my friends is going to have a boyfriend, I need to make sure he's fit for them. Especially if it's a straight, female friend.

"Sherlock, stop." John laughs and tries to grab my hand.

"What is he doing?" Tom looks frightened and quizzical at me.

"Honestly, no one knows." Molly says and begins to drag Tom to her flat. "Have a good night boys." She says. "And congratulations." She points to the rings and smiles. "I'm happy for you two."

John has a huge smile on his face as he leads me to the flat. We sit together on the flat, but fortunately, we don't end up watching. 

Happy For the Stranger (Johnlock)Where stories live. Discover now