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(A/N I'm sorry)

I wake up the next morning, full of guilt and hating myself for what happened. Sighing, I slip out of bed and pull on my clothes, when I hear a mutter from the bed.

"John, come back, it's cold."

"I can't Mary, I have to go to work." I lie, pulling on my pants.

"Liar. You said you don't work on Fridays." SHe turns over and props up to look at me.

"Fine. I need to go back to the flat." I shrug on my jacket, without looking at her.

"Are you ashamed John? Do you feel guilty?" She says, standing up and wrapping a sheet around her.

"Yes." I answer simply, still not looking at her. "We can't be together Mary. I love someone else."

She nods. "I understand. But did you really have to play me like that?"

"I'm sorry. I admit it was my fault, and it was a mistake, so please let it go." I pause my hand on the doorknob. "I'm sorry Mary, but this just won't work."

"I think we can make it work." She says, her voice getting sad.

"We can't. I love someone else and there's no way you can love me."

"I can love you John, and you know you can love me back." I suddenly feel her hot breath against my neck. "Stay John."

"I can't Mary."

Suddenly I feel something new, something that I immediately recognize. The point of a knife poking into my side.

"Stay. John."

"Mary, Mary, you don't have to do this. Think about this for a second." I say, turning around to face her, still feeling the knife in my side.

"I have. I want you to stay."

She's a psychopath! I slept with a psychopath! Stay calm John. "Ok, alright, I'll stay. Put the knife down. I'll go make breakfast." I smile as she tosses the knife on the ground and I kiss her reluctantly. I watch her climb back into the bed and I move the the kitchen, rustling around to make it seem like I'm making food. Instead, I pull my phone out of my pocket and call the police, then I debate about calling Sherlock but I don't. Not yet.

Within minutes the whirring cars are outside and Mary comes running from the room, knife in her hand. "You called them?" She shrieks with anger, running towards me.

I try to get out of the way, but before I can, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and I automatically fall to the ground wincing in pain.

"You lied! You said you would stay!" She shrieks as police rush into the room. She looks up at them and screams, and I feel pain all over my body as she starts attacking me with the knife.

Everything is fuzzy as they pull her off me and load me on a stretcher.

"Hold on, Dr. Watson. Hang on." They put an oxygen mask over my face and I try to breath, but the feeling of my own blood running over my body distracts me. The last face I see before I black out is Sherlock's.


All is black.   

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