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(Sherlock's POV)

"John! Mr. Watson! Dr. Watson!" I scream at the receptionist at the hospital. "I must see him! Let me see him!" I scream in her face. Idiot.

"Just one second sir!" She spits back and I come off my toes, tapping my feet and wringing my hands.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry..." I whisper under my breath as she flips through files. "Come on! He was just admitted, I just got the call! Hurry, woman!" I scream, attracting the attention of several people.

"Room 271. Christ." She mutters and I rush off without so much as a thank you to her. Idiot. I think for the billionth time that day. However, most of them were directed to myself. That row with John really set me off. I can't believe he loves me back. And he doesn't believe me.

Entering the room, John is lying on the bed with no shirt on, his stomach and chest covered with bandages. I prevent tears from slipping down my cheeks, but seeing him like this makes me so sad. Sitting in the chair next to the bed I take his soft hand in mine. His are so much smaller than mine, and holding it like this sends tingles up my spine.

When I take his hand the heart monitor speeds up just the tiniest bit, then slows down again.

I look up but John is still asleep. Sighing, I drop his hand. It's not worth it. I bet he was just saying that he loved me to get back at me for saying the thing about his women. Him and his women. He can't love me. He's not gay.


"Hey Victor want to come over today?" I slam my locker and look next to me to my best friend and crush. We have no classes together and the only time we see each other is at lunch and in between classes, but today I hadn't seen him at all.

"Uh, not today Sherlock." His blonde hair shines through the afternoon sun as he closes his locker.

"Why? You don't have homework." I say, noticing his backpack is empty.

"Sherlock, I heard a rumour, and I think it's true."

"What's the rumour Victor?" I take a step closer and he takes a step back.

"You're gay Sherlock." Victor says.

"Yes, you know that Victor. I told you that."

"You're gay. And you love me." His eyes look into mine and I'm speechless. Who told him? "And I can't love you back Sherlock. Goodbye."

"Victor, don't leave!" I call after him, ignoring the tears on my cheeks. "Victor, please don't leave me." I grab his arm but he twists away from me.

"Get away from me! Don't talk to me again, fag." His face twists into disgust.

"Victor, you were ok with me being gay!"

"Yes, when you weren't in love with me! I don't want to talk to you again!" He leaves and I slink against the wall. People stare and avoid me as I cry in the corner, until my brother comes and picks me off the ground, driving me home then comforting me.

(End Flashback)

"John, don't leave." Once again I ignore the tears on my cheeks, just as I did when I was a teenager. "John, please don't leave me."   

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