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I'm still sitting in the chair, day after day in the chair, waiting, begging John to wake up. He never did. I'm ready to give up, I'm ready to leave, tell them that this is enough, but one day, while I'm sitting in the chair, my chair with his hand pressed against my face and my fingers on his wrist, feeling his soft but steady pulse.

I hear the soft shuffle of sheets and don't recall stirring just now so I look up in confusion. Seeing something from the corner of my eye, my heart leaps. His foot is moving! His foot is moving!

Standing up abruptly I scream at the top of my lungs. "NURSE!!!!!"

The same nurse that John has had for the past months rushes in along with doctors and other nurses.

"H-he's awake! He's awake!" I feel my heart inside me leaping and jumping with love. He's not dead! I'll be able to tell him I love him!

Within minutes his eyes open and look around, until he sees me and his eyes stop moving and his mouth forms into a smile.

"Sherlock!" He says as best as he can, his voice husky from not talking.

"John! I missed you." I try to stay professional, but I can't stop the huge smile that crosses my entire face.

Soon all the doctors and nurses leave and we're left alone again. I sit back in my chair.

"I heard your violin." He says quietly and my eyes widen.

"You hear me playing?"

"Yes. I heard it in my dreams and it was the most beautiful thing. You're composing again aren't you?" A smile breaks on his face and I can almost hear the notes of his song flowing through his mind as he remembers them.

"I am. I'm composing for you." I smile and he smiles back.


I mumble in response, looking up into his beautiful eyes.

"I'm sorry we fought. It was stupid, and I never meant..."

"It's ok John. It was my fault, and it won't happen again."

He smiles that beautiful smile, and I want to lean in and kiss him, but I don't know if that would be appreciated, so I grab his hand in mine and stroke my thumb along his hand. I love you John Watson.

John's POV

Oh God, he's holding my hand, he's holding my hand! Maybe, I should tell him. No, I shouldn't tell him. But this is perfect!

Before I can register what's happening, I can hear my own voice talking.


"Yes John?" He says, his beautiful voice vibrating through my ears and making me shiver.

"Sherlock, do you actually love me?"

"Uh, well..."

"You were joking weren't you? I knew it." I can hear my own rejection and feel it inside me. He doesn't love me.

"John Watson, I love you. With everything that's inside me, I am so deeply in love with you."

He's serious?

I sit up in the bed. "Sherlock, I love you."

We lean in towards each other, our lips coming together in a soft, loving kiss. Not long, but it means everything. When he pulls away I smile. I love him.

"I love you." 

(Yayyyyy!! The big reveal!! What did you think?)  

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