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 The car finally pulls up to the flat and we step out, smiling as Sherlock helps me up the stairs, then helps me settle in my chair by the telly.

"You know, I'm not a charity case Sherlock." I say, twisting in my seat to see him turning the kettle on for the water. "I'm basically healed."

"Yes, but not totally. You need to rest." He sets me back in a forward position.

"I've rested enough! I've had months of rest! Let me stand, let me help!"

He pushes me back by my shoulders when I try to stand. "Please, sit John." He has that look in his eyes. He looks... helpless? Scared? Worried, concerned.

"Ok." I agree and sit in the chair. The kettle in the kitchen starts screaming and he jumps up.

"I'll get your tea."

I glance over at him in the kitchen, and quietly stand up from the chair, coming up behind him.

I slip my hands around his waist as he pours the water into teacups.

"John!" He whines. "I told you to stay in the chair!"

Standing up on my tiptoes, I leave a trail of small kisses on his neck.

"John." He whines again, but not in annoyance. Turning around, his hands slide onto my waist, and mine travel up to his shoulders, his lips making contact with mine.

His tongue slips into my mouth and I recognize the one taste that could only be my Sherlock.

I'm definitely in love.

Sherlock moves his hands to my back, pulling our bodies impossibly closer, and for the time being, we completely forget about the tea that's growing cold on the counter.

He pulls his lips away and places them on my forehead and pulls me closer. I can feel an unmistakable bulge pressing on my leg. I smile a bit.

"Would you like to take this to the bedroom?" I ask and press my lips on his.

When he nods, my heart flutters and I lead him by the hand. He closes the door behind us as he gently lays me on the bed, being very careful for my scarred skin from the knife.

He looks at me hungrily, and then, for the first time, I make love with my boyfriend, my mind filled with one word the entire time.


Happy For the Stranger (Johnlock)Where stories live. Discover now