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This is a new fanfic, and one of our first ones.... thanks for reading, commenting and voting)

It doesn't make sense to me how people in movies always fall in love at first sight. All the women I've been with have never caused that sort of feeling within me. They've all been mediocre, boring or over obsessive. Rolling my eyes, I wake up day after day, wondering if today will be the day that I meet my soulmate. But every day, I either meet an ugly, personalityless girl and I ask her out to give it a try, or I avoid everyone who tries to get my attention.

Grabbing a yogurt from my fridge I roll my eyes at the crappy love song playing on the radio. That not possible. Loving someone until death?

Well, maybe it is possible, but not for me. Walking to work the next day I keep my head low, not in the mood to talk to anyone.

I approach St. Bartholomew's hospital and enter in the front doors, walking to my office in the back.

Halfway there, I bump into someone and lift my head briefly to hear a splash, then papers flying everywhere.

"Oh, god, I'm sorry!" I say, helping pick up the papers as the man dabs at his now coffee stained suit with a napkin.

"It's fine." He says in a snarky, baritone voice that makes my head snap up.

I see a head of dark curls and when his head pops up, the most brilliant eyes I'd ever seen, the colour of the sky, the ocean and heaven all in one.

What the hell? I'm not gay!

Who says you're gay? You just like his eyes. And his hair. And his cupid bow lips. And his sharp cheekbones.

What the hell is going on?!

Happy For the Stranger (Johnlock)Where stories live. Discover now