Red Lips & Brown Eyes ~ Chapter One: Clueless Idiot

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Red Lips and Brown Eyes [Jack Barakat]

Chapter One ~ Clueless Idiot

Song: I Wanna Be Your Dog by Joan Jett & The Blackhearts



The sound of two hundred men and women screaming and singing faintly rang in my ears. The green in-ear headphones I had shoved into both my ears blocked out most of the sound, but I could still faintly hear the muffled screams from the large crowd before us. My purple shirt stuck to my back, sweat dripping from the ends of my hair and bangs. I could practically hear my heart beating and the blood pumping through my skull. I didn't really pay too much attention to my surroundings. My attention was fixed on the way my fingers moved on the strings of my green Paul Reed Smith guitar.

My eyes flickered away from my fingers, darting towards Aleesia, the singer for our band. She gripped tightly on the neck of her black bass, the other hand tightly wrapped around a microphone. I watched in awe as the petite blonde sang her heart out, continuing to play the song 'I Wanna Be Your Dog' while doing so. Aleesia suggested to end every show we did on this tour with a cover for that song. Obviously, we agreed on doing just that and now, this is the last time we're going to play this song in the UK for all these people. Well, at least, for now it is.

Moving my gaze away from the blonde, I walked towards our drummer, Anna, who had a wide grin adorning her lips as she played along to the song. 'This is amazing' I mouthed to her, Anna eagerly nodding her head in agreement. We've done countless of shows in the past six years that we've been together, but every show we play still manages to leave me breathless. Who could have imagined that an all girl punk band from Atlanta would have ever made it this big?

"I'll be your dog!" Aleesia finished singing, lightly moving her foot along to the drum beat of the song. As the music began to fade, Anna moved away from her drumset and hurried to where Aleesia and I were, pulling the two of us into a tight hug. I laughed, using on hand to return the hug while the other awkwardly played the final chords for the song. Moments later, the members of other band we were touring with, Fall Out Boy, all ran onto the stage and joined in on the embrace.


"Cheers for another amazing tour with you three." Patrick cheered, throwing his slightly burnt marshmellow in the air. All twelve of us shouted and cheered along with Patrick's words. We were all surrounded around a small fire, burning marshmallows, s'mores, hot dogs, and anything else that was edible. I sat sandwiched in between Andy and Pete, one hand holding a can of Bud Light while the other gripped on a wooden stick that held my nicely burnt marshmallow.

I watched as Pete kept his marshmallow in the fire until it turned completely black. I shuddered, doing my best to hide a slightly disgusted look on my face. I have never understood and will never understand how people can eat a burnt black marshmallow. Well, I do understand how people can eat them, but I don't understand what's so appealing about them. The marshmallow is burnt, why would you want to eat it? Well, I guess we all have our likings.

Pete's eyes flickered to me, a small smile cracking on his face. "What? They're delicious." He objected with a low chuckle. "Honestly, how are you related to Mark?" He asked. I laughed, shrugging my shoulders in response. My brother and I are definitely different in many ways, but we have enough things in common for people to see that we're related.

Turning my attention away from Pete, I moved the marshmallow away from the fire, biting the sweet food before taking a long sip from the half empty beer can. My eyes scanned the circle of familiar faces around me before stopping on Aleesia. She tightly held her phone in one hand, her mouth turned into a small frown and a look of anger flaring in her bright blue eyes.

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