Red Lips & Brown Eyes ~ Chapter Four: This Is How We Do

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Red Lips & Brown Eyes ~ Chapter Four: This Is How We Do


I woke up to the faint sound of someone calling my name, telling me that it was time to get up. I groaned, rolling to my side as I now faced the direction of the voice. Slowly, I opened my eyes and found Jimmy standing in the narrow hallway outside of my bunk. A small smile planted on his lips as he held up a mug of coffee, gesturing it towards me.

As soon as I saw the coffee mug, my eyes widened and I jolted up from the mattress. I quickly came to regret my excitement once I felt my head collide with the ceiling of my bunk. "Ow." I moaned in pain. The palm of my hand pressed against my throbbing forehead as I collapsed back down on the mattress.

Jimmy burst out with laughter. "Nice going, Mel." He breathed out in amusement as he handed me the warm cup of coffee. As soon as I inhaled the intoxicating smell, it was as if the pain from my skull had disappeared and all I could focus on was the delicious beverage. I smiled widely while I took a long sip of the sweet, and hot, drink. "You guys start the first show at eight," Jimmy began, watching me curiously as I downed another long drink of the coffee. "..which means you have a few hours to kill. You guys have an interview with Rock Sound Magazine at three, then you have sound check at five." I sighed, hating the fact that we had to do another interview. Don't get me wrong, I love interviews. But lately, it seems like they all end up asking the same question, "Are the rumors about you and your girlfriend true?" I understand that they're curious, but it's honestly none of their business.

Forcing my thoughts away, I turned to look at Jimmy. Smiling warmly at him, I patted his hand in a friendly gesture. "Thanks, Jimmy." I said. Hoping out of my bunk, I followed Jimmy into the front lounge of our bus. "Where is everyone?" I asked, noticing how quiet the bus actually was.

Jimmy sighed as he picked up his TWC lanyard from the surface of the booth's table. "It's two in the afternoon, Mel. Everyone was gone two hours ago. Alyssa and Anna are with Blink on their bus. Sasha and Ricky are helping out the merch girls and the guys from Fall Out Boy are at an interview inside the greenroom. You guys will be having your interview in the greenroom as well. Please, for the sake of my job, don't be late." He pleaded.

Nodding in response, I watched as he headed towards the door. "Okay," I sighed, placing the empty cup of coffee inside the sink. "I'm going to take a quick shower and meet up with the merch people." Jimmy nodded in understanding. "By the way, thanks for the coffee, Jim."


After a quick shower, I wrapped a white towel around my hair and bare body. Opening the bathroom door, I quietly stepped into the bunk area and listened intently for signs that anyone else was on the bus. Thankfully, there were none. I hurried towards our junk bunk and picked out a few articles of clothing. Dropping my towel, I pulled on a fresh pair of underwear, black skinny jeans, a loose tank top with Biggy Smalls printed on the front and a red flannel. Once I was finished changing, I rolled on some deodorant, sprayed a bit of perfume and lastly, applied my favorite red lipstick. I tied my hair in a bun and applied a layer of foundation over my skin before I decided I was finally finished getting ready for the day.

Shoving my phone and wallet inside the pockets of my jeans, I walked off the bus and began towards the back entrance of the arena. As I was walking towards the building, I smiled widely at the crowd of people standing outside of the venue. It always amazes me how the show won't start for hours on end, but people start lining up long before then. I know what that feels like though. I still remember clearly when I was thirteen and I major fan of Green Day. I still am a big fan, but since I'm now older, I'm more rational. Unlike when I was thirteen and broke into the greenroom where the members of Green Day were getting ready. I freaked out and almost got the cops called on me. Luckily, Billie recognized me as Mark's little sister and forgave me for attacking them.

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