Red Lips & Brown Eyes ~ Chapter Two: On Our Own

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Red Lips & Brown Eyes. ~ Chapter Two: On Our Own 

Song: Ignorance by Paramore

All the songs The Wild Children have are owned by Paramore. 


Chips, grape soda, Billy Madison and a joint are the ingredients to a perfect time. Of course, I left out the smoking part in consideration to Brandon. I don't want him inhaling any second hand smoke. Plus, I consider it rude smoking in someone else's home without their consent. For now, I'm just going to have to settle with watching Adam Sandler while writing new lyrics and chords without the inspiration from my little green helper.. Not that I have a problem with that.  

Over three weeks ago, I found out about my cheating ex girlfriend. Now, I'm staying with Aleesia, Jared and Brandon until I can find somewhere else to live. I haven't spoken to Ivy since that phone call and honestly, I don't plan on talking to her anytime soon. I spent the first two days off of the tour crying my eyes out and eating a tub of vanilla ice cream. Basically, I reacted in the way that most woman would. Now, I've come to terms with Ivy's infidelity. Sure, I'm not one hundred percent over it, but I am getting better.  

"Melissa!" I heard Jared call out from the kitchen. "Your phone is ringing!"  

Groaning loudly, I rolled off the couch, landing face first on the hardwood floor. Ignoring the slight pain in my cheek and lips, I stood up from the floor and headed towards the entrance of the kitchen. When I walked in, I found a slightly amusing sight. Jared was standing in front of the stove, wearing a pink apron and blue gloves. He was pulling out a pie from the oven, which only caused my appetite to increase. Aleesia was upstairs, trying to get Brandon to take his evening nap before dinner.  

"Nice apron, Jared." I chuckled while I walked towards my cellphone, which was charging on the kitchen counter.  

Jared laughed, shaking his head in amusement. "Shut up, Hoppus." He retorted as he placed the freshly baked pie on the counter. "After your phone call, do you mind going upstairs and telling Lis to just let Brandon come downstairs since dinner is ready?" Jared asked.  

Nodding, I picked up my phone off the counter and looked at the screen. To my delight, the caller ID showed that it was my older brother, Mark, who was ringing me. I hadn't spoken to Mark in a few weeks, and I hadn't seen him in over two months. Honestly, I missed my idiot older brother.  

'Hello, Mark?' I answered, walking out of the kitchen and back into the living room. I sat on the crimson leather couch, glancing occasionally at the screen. Half of my attention was focused on Adam Sandler while the other half fixed on the phone call I was currently having.  

'Melissa!' Mark exclaimed over the line. By the sound of his voice, he was on speaker in a large room. My suspicions were quickly confirmed once I heard the sound of three other voices on the line. I recognized the office belonging to Tom, Travis and their manager, Harry,  

'Meli,' Tom greeted. I couldn't physically see him, but I could practically hear the grin in his light tone.  

'Hey, Mel." Travis said.  

'Melissa, we have a proposition to offer you and your band mates.' Harry announced. His words caused my curiosity to spark.  

'Okay, hold on, guys.' I stood up from the couch and sprinted upstairs. Walking down the hallway, I knocked softly on Brandon's bedroom door. A few seconds later, Aleesia swung the door open, Brandon sitting up on the edge of the bed. The small boy looked restless, which explained perfectly why Aleesia had a difficult time putting him to sleep.  

Red Lips & Brown Eyes // Jack BarakatWhere stories live. Discover now