Red Lips & Brown Eyes ~ Chapter Twelve: Crush Crush Crush

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Song: Cemetery Weather by Isles & Glaciers

Title Credit: Paramore

Day Fifteen, Las Vegas


A quiet moan left my mouth, my eyes slowly fluttered open as I rested my hand over my growling stomach. "No," I heard a familiar voice whisper beside me. I jumped up, startles once I saw Jack lying on the bed beside me. "No, Ms. H, wait till later." He grumbled, a small crease forming in his forehead.

I snorted, shaking his arm until Jack finally woke up. "W-What?" He quickly sat up on the bed, panicked.

Normal people would be freaking out if they woke up in the same bed as their close friend. But oddly, I can't find myself to panic. Besides, Jack has his clothes on, I have my clothes on. You can't have sex with your clothes on... Well, you can, but I'm not into that type of shit.

Laughing, I sat up on the bed beside him. "Dude," I placed my hand over his shoulder. "Don't panic. I was just waking you up. I feel bad that I did because you seemed to be having an awesome dream." I smirked. "Who's Ms. H?"

Jack laughed nervously, his fingers running through his messy hair. "No one," he quickly replied. "She was just, uh, this teacher for middle school..." His voice trailed off with every word. "HEY, do you want me to go get some greasy breakfast for your hangover?" He asked.

I groaned loudly, my hands covering my ears. "Don't yell, asshole!" I scolded, glaring at Jack. He just laughed, shaking his head. "How are you not suffering from a hangover? Didn't you drink last night?" I asked.

"I did," Jack nodded, "But, I didn't drink nearly as much as you did. Plus, I only drank the small stuff- mostly champagne." He explained. A short silence filled the room, but Jack quickly broke off the silence and asked, "Do you not remember anything from last night?"

I shook my head no. "The last thing I remember was Tyler telling me to stop harassing the clerk at the blackjack table. After that, everything's kind of blurry." I pressed my lips together and sighed as I ran my fingers through my tangled mess of hair. "Wait, I didn't do anything bad last night, did I? Like, i didn't accidentally give you a blow job, did I?"

Jack burst out laughing. "How the fuck do you accidentally give someone a blow-job?"

Shrugging, I shoved him playfully. "You could have your zipper down, I could trip and things kind of just take care of themselves after that."

"That still doesn't make any sense. How would your mo-"

"Shut up, Jack." I quickly cut him off, laughing lightly.

Jack grinned and shook his head. "But, no. You didn't do anything wrong last time. You were telling me some pretty confusing stuff, though." He muttered.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Well, you kept repeating, "You don't understand," And you kept telling me about how much you 'need it'. I still have no fucking clue what you were talking about. I just kind of assumed you're the horny drunk type. But don't worry, i didn't take advantage of you or anything. I just waited until you fell asleep and then I ended up passing out too." Jack explained. He moved towards the edge of the bed and stood up, stretching his arms out into the air. "So, do you still want that greasy breakfast or not?" He asked and I quickly nodded in response.

"Please," I laughed quietly. Jack nodded and headed towards the door. Once he left my bedroom, I fell back on the bed, a huge grin spread across my lips.

Why is it that I always find myself smiling whenever I'm with Jack?

Oh, right, because I like him.

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