Red Lips & Brown Eyes ~ Chapter Eight: Unforgettable

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Chapter Eight: Unforgettable 

Song: Unforgettable by Drake ft Young Jeezy

Day 9 on the tour.

Location: Santa Fe, New Mexico


Thirty minutes of standing in the same spot in front of a white canvas can really tire you out. Even though I've been doing this for a few months now, I have yet to get used to taking professional pictures for magazine covers, especially if I'm alone.

"Move your arm up more, sweetheart." The photographer smiled. I did as he said and moved my arm over my shoulder, my lips pouting slightly. Modeling is a side job I have in case there's any bills I need to pay back at home. I got into this business because of my good friend, Alysha, offered me a job with her. Since then, I've modeled for countless of magazines and clothing lines. Sometimes, people ask me which job I love more. I really like modeling, but my heart will forever stay with music. I'd choose music over modeling in a heartbeat, no hesitations.

"You're doing great, Melissa." The wardrobe manager, Uriel, complimented. He was a tall handsome man with two very deep dimples and the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen. When we got here, Mark quickly came up with the assumption that Uriel had a thing for me, but I quickly explained to him that Uriel was indeed gay.

"Thanks," I quickly mumbled, my attention fixed on the camera before me. The company I was modeling for wanted me to shoot some pictures for their new underwear line, but I politely rejected the offer. When I started modeling, I vowed to myself that I would never model naked or with only two articles of clothing and I am going to keep that vow. Luckily, the company gave me a t-shirt and a pair of ripped tight jeans from their new line to model.

I don't model often, only when I need the money and whenever I do model, I feel a little strange afterwards. I guess the reason for that is because I don't feel like I belong in the modeling world. All the girls are tall, extremely skinny and flawless. While I'm, well, I'm not big, but I am bigger than most of the other models. My height makes me seem like a child and I do have many flaws. The main one is that I'm not perfectly proportioned. I don't have perky breasts and a cute butt. I'm a B cup and have a bigger bum than most.

"Alright," Tim smiled, moving the camera away from me. I sighed in relief, stretching my slightly sore arms out and began towards Tim. He plugged in his camera into the large laptop and began searching through the pictures. Most of them looked pretty damn good, but we only needed five for the company. I helped Tim pick out some of the photos and in the end, we had ten photos that were good enough for the company.

Smiling widely, I thanked Tom before starting towards the dressing room. The photo shoot only lasted thirty minutes, but I still had to get up at six so the makeup crew and dress crew had a chance to make me dolled up for the photos.I like modeling, I really do, but I cannot wait to take off all this make up. I'm not exactly caked in makeup, but it isn't really what I'm used to. Normally, I just wear a light foundation, eyeliner and my red lipstick, but the make up crew put on blush, bronzer, highlighter, mascara, eye shadow, lip linger, the whole shazzam, basically.

I walked into the dressing room and walked into one of the empty changing booths were my clothes were. I quickly peeled off the tight jeans and t-shirt before changing back into my sweatpants and loose tank top. I placed the clothes into a neat folded pile on one of the benches, sighing as I walked towards the mirrors. After about three wipes and ten minutes of struggling, I managed to clean all the heavy make up off my face. I quickly re applied my foundation and lipstick before grabbing my bag and walking out of the dressing room.

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