Red Lips & Brown Eyes ~ Chapter Twenty-Seven: Taking Things Slow

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Song: Practice Makes Perfect by Cute Is What We Aim For 

Melissa's Pov- 

Just friends. 

Just friends with Jack, again. We were never more than friends, but before; it didn't feel like we were friends. I mean, I felt like he was my best friend, but I also felt more than that. I felt like... like he was my secret lover or something. I know how ridiculous it may sound, but I do not give a single shit. After I kissed him (an incredible feeling that I know I will never be able to forget), we shook hands and agreed to start a new.  

"Hello, my name is Jack Bassam Barakat. I'm twenty-three years old. I am obsessed with Home Alone and I have a crush on a Hoppus." Jack said, grinning like an idiot that he is. I laughed and shook my head. We were sitting on the floor, my back pressed against the mural in the earth room. His head rested on my lap. I guess things were already beginning to go back to 'normal'. 

Wait, scratch that; they arent'. Jack and I can never go back to the way we were, but we sure as hell can try. For now, we're just friends. 

"Hello, Jack. I'm Melissa Olivia Hoppus. I'm twenty-four years old. Beyonce is my queen, I like ice cream during winter time and Chinese food is like an orgy in my mouth." I said, my fingers gently playing with his flat hair. Even though I like when his skunk hair is styled, I also love the flat hair. I don't think there's been a day when Jack doesn't look amazing.  

Jack laughed and looked at me with curious eyes. "Ice cream in the winter?" He questioned with a cocked brow. 

"Yeah," I nodded, "I mean, why is it abnormal for people to eat ice cream in the winter? Is there some sort of rule in the bible that calls for it as a sin? I think ice cream in the winter actually tastes better. Hot chocolate during summer time is also awesome." I mumbled. Jack smiled at me, shaking his head as if to silently say 'You're-So-Weird'.  

Our time was sadly ended when one of the staff members said that it was time for dinner. I was surprised by the fact that Jack and I had been talking for nearly five hours. I was also surprised that they didn't quick him out sooner. I think part of this reason was because my therapist, Gen, was off for the day so I wasn't going to talk to anyone until she came back. 

Jack and I stood up from the floor, the staff member left to give us some privacy with our departures. He snaked his arms around my shoulders and hugged me tightly. I happily returned the hug by locking my arms around his waist. "We talked about everything but your progress here." Jack laughed into my hair. I could tell that he was trying his hardest to hold back, and so was I. Despite the incredibly strong urge to skip the whole 'friends' phase, I knew that it was better to take things slow and steady. Sure, we practically made out earlier, but I let my emotions get the best of me then.  

"Is Mark going to visit me tomorrow?" I asked, refusing to let go of him. Suddenly, I realized that Raven would probably lose her shit if she saw Jack. She told me the day I got here that All Time Low was her favorite band. I should have him meet her, I thought.  

Nodding, Jack pulled away from our hug. "Yeah, he is. I think Tyler will come after that, or Aleesia and Anna. I know that on our very last day, we're all coming to visit you." He told me. 

"All of you?" I asked, surprised. The thought of the twenty of them all crammed inside the Earth Room made me laugh. I could only imagine that staff members faces once they saw all the people who'd come and visit me on Friday. I was excited to see them again. It felt like years had passed since I'd last spoken with any of them beside Mark. 

Jack laughed and held my hand and we started out of the relaxing room. "I love that room. It's peaceful as fuck." He said. 

"I know." I agreed. "It's my favorite room in this entire building." I said and began to slow my pace down a bit once I realized how close we were to the entrance. I didn't want to say good-bye to him just yet. "Oh, Jack," I tightened my hold on his hand and led him toward the dinning room. We stepped inside and I called out Raven's name. Having her meet him would give me at least five more minutes with him. 

Raven turned to us, her jaw dropped once her gaze met with Jack's. She was wearing a 'Boner' shirt so I knew that Jack could figure out that she was a fan. "Holy shit!" She shouted and darted toward him. Carla stood up from her seat, probably feared that Raven was going to do something to Jack. She quickly sat down again once she saw Raven do nothing but hug him tightly. 

Stunned, Jack stumbled back and almost fell, but my grip on his hand stopped him from doing so. He laughed nervously and hugged her back. "I like your hair." He complimented her and Raven grinned widely with excitement.  

"I cannot even begin to- I have- I love-," she tried to form a coherent sentence, but it wasn't really working out for her. "I just love you." She was crying, but they were tears of pure joy. It oddly warmed my heart seeing kids get so happy and excited over meeting their favorite band member or someone important to them. I know that when I met Billie Joe, I was a sobbing, gross, mess.  

Once he regained his posture, Jack laughed and hugged Raven before she pulled away. I didn't have to be a mind reader to know exactly what Jack was thinking; Why is this happy girl here? The happiest people can also be the saddest and best actors. Not that Raven was acting or anything. She looked genuinely happy to be meeting Jack Barakat.  

"What's your name?" Jack asked once he managed to pull out of Raven's tight grasp.  

"Raven Andrews." She replied, grinning from ear to ear. "Did you come to visit Melissa?" Jack nodded and she squealed loudly. "Oh my god, I knew you'd come eventually! Before I got admitted here, a lot of people on Tumblr were saying how Jelissa is dead, but I refused to believe that! Jelissa is like, my OTP and there's no way in Hell it could ever die. You two are perfect together and I honestly ship it more than Telissa and Jalex. Although, Jalex will always hold a special place in my heart. I know it isn't real though because Anlex is real and they're married and Angel is having a baby and..." She was rambling on and on. 

"Okay," Carla came by and saved the day. "Calm down, Raven. Breath." She instructed. Raven nodded and began to take slow, deep breaths. Jack looked at me with amusement before he turned his full attention back to Raven.  

"Are you okay?" He asked, placing his hand on her shoulder. 

Wide eyed and out of breath, Raven nodded furiously and said, "You're so nice." Jack just laughed at this. 

While they were busy talking, I looked around the cafeteria room and spotted Eddy sitting alone at our table. He was reading Wuthering Heights while eating small bits of his dinner (Spaghetti and meatballs with a glass of water). "I'll be right back." I said to Jack and started toward Eddy. 

"Edward." I said and pulled up a chair beside him. He grunted an acknowledgment, but didn't tear his eyes away from the page he was on. I poked his cheek, but still nothing. I looked over his shoulder and tried reading what he was reading. Eddy groaned and set the book down on the table. 

"You are incredibly annoying, Melissa Hoppus." He said, smiling widely. 

"As are you, Edward Baker." I said with a wide grin. "What chapter are you on?" I asked. 

"Eight. I was about to finish, but an annoying brunette kept bothering me." He teased. I rolled my eyes and gently elbowed his stomach. Just then, I heard Jack call my name. Dinner was about to end, but I knew they'd probably save me a plate or something. Even if they didn't, I was fine not eating dinner for one day. 

Excusing myself, I hurried back to Jack. Raven had returned to her table, but she was still freaking out over the fact that she met Jack. I can't wait to see her reaction when Fall Out Boy, Blink-182, All Time Low and the rest of The Wild Children all come in on Friday. I should tell Jack to bring a camera and snap her reaction. 

Jack grabbed my hand and led us into the empty hallway in front of the exit. He smiled and said, "I'll see you on Friday, okay?" I nodded, not wanting him to leave. It was then that I decided to work harder in getting clean just so I could go 'home' and be with all of them again. I missed Ricky's stupid inappropriate jokes, Alex's pointless chatter on the topic of space, Aleesia's obsession with anything that involves Tyler Perry, Patrick's fedora collection and Travis' endless 'chatter'.  

To my surprise (and extreme pleasure) Jack leaned forward and kissed me. The action instantly sent that stupid cheesy spark that women in romance novels talk about. The spark alone was enough to keep me going for the rest of the week.

So much for 'taking things slow'. 

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