Red Lips & Brown Eyes ~ Chapter Thirteen: Surprise

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Day Sixteen Las Vegas, Nevada

Song: 19-2000 by Gorillaz [Soulchild Remix]


"I'm on a fucking sugar rush motherfuckers!" Sasha shouted, her arm wrapped loosely around Vinny's neck. She laughed, her brown eyes shining with happiness as she kissed Vinny's cheek. "Tonight, we lie awake! Remember how the coffee made us shake on those long drives!" She sang and I quickly recognized the song as 'Vegas' by All Time Low. 

"Jesus, Vinny," Tom eyed him curiously. "What the hell did you do to the poor girl?" He asked. I knew Tom was thinking that Vinny probably drugged her or something, but I highly doubt that's possible. Vinny is was too kind and nice to do something like that. Plus, I've been here all day and so have they. I know for a fact that Sasha isn't drugged- just high. 

"One more long night!" Jeff sang along with Sasha. She laughed loudly and jumped up on the couch, bouncing and giggling uncontrollably. 

"So, it looks like we're going to need to borrow someone's drum tech for tonight." Alessia muttered, her thin fingers raking through her straightened blonde hair. "Hey, Flyzik, is it cool if we borrow Danny for our set?" She asked Matt. 

He shrugged as he adjusted Alex's in-ear. "Sure, just ask him." He replied.  

As soon as Jack walked into the backstage area, my eyes darted down to the guitar lying face up on my lap. I could feel his eyes boring into me, but I refused to look at him. I have nothing but mixed feelings about the kiss we shared yesterday. He hasn't tried speaking to me since and I've been making sure to keep my distance.  

The regret I saw in Jack's eyes when he pulled away hurt more than anything. He probably didn't even want to kiss me and felt disgusted afterwards. I hate thinking negatively about myself, but that's all I can think of now. That's the only assumption and reason I can think of for him wanting to pull away. I wish he hadn't, but he did and there's nothing either of us can do but forget about it and hopefully move on.  

"We need to talk." I looked up, surprised that Jack was even talking to me. Honestly, after he ran out yesterday, i didn't think he'd talk to me again. A part of me is relieved to see that he's still willing to have a conversation with me, but another part is dreading this 'talk' that he and I need to have.  

"There's nothing to talk about." I muttered, refusing to lock eyes with him. There really isn't anything to talk about. "It's okay, Jack. I understand that you regret what happened yesterday. It was just a mistake, okay? We don't need to make this into something big. Just... Just forget about it." I whispered the last part. He stood there, silent and with a pained expression. "Say something." I begged, the silence hurting me more than anything else.  

"Okay." Jack finally said. I looked up, irritated that all he had to say was 'okay'. I didn't expect him to say much, I just wish it was more than a single word. Does what happened yesterday really not mean that much to him? Well, of course it doesn't. Because I was curious about the band, I looked up All Time Low on YouTube and it's evident that Jack is the ladies man of the band. So obviously, it isn't a surprise that he doesn't care, I just wish it didn't hurt as much.  

An awkward silence quickly filled the space between him and I. There's nothing I can think of saying to him. For the first time since I've met Jack, I wish he'd just go away and leave me alone. I need to clear my thoughts and think about what is going to happen between us. I know I told him not to make a big deal out of it, but I want to know how deep my feelings truly are before I hang out with him again.  

"Melissa," I heard Jimmy say. I breathed out, relieved that he saved me from the awkward tension with Jack. "You have everything ready, right? You guys are on in three minutes." He told me. I nodded and stood up from the couch.  

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