Red Lips & Brown Eyes ~ Chapter Twenty-One: Pilots

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Song: Over Again by One Direction 


I don't know how to explain the feeling I had when I saw Jack standing outside of our bus. Of course, the stupid part of me felt giddy and happy to see him, but I also felt annoyed and still mad. That's exactly why I grabbed Tyler's hand as soon as Jack saw me. Tyler forced a smile, but I sensed a troubled look behind his grey eyes.  

Leaning in, I asked, "What's wrong?" 

"Nothing," he replied, with yet another unsure smile. I softly glared at him, but decided not to push things so I kept quiet. Jack stared at our interlocked hands with a thoughtful expression. I could see the jealousy sparked his brown eyes, and I felt satisfied that he felt in such a way. Jealousy was the big emotion I felt whenever I'd see him and Erica together.  

"Let's get going." Erica said and headed toward the rental car. Tyler and I followed a few feet behind the couple. Every step we took, every second that passed by just increased the regret I felt. Sure, rubbing my 'happiness' into Jack's face did sound appealing, I wasn't ready to spend two hours with him and his girlfriend. I still held feelings for him, that was obvious. As much as I tried to convince myself, I couldn't get over him... no matter how hard I wanted to or tried. 

Erica seemed nice, I guess. That makes my heart ache even more because it means that Jack isn't stuck with a complete bitch. She's stuck with a thin, tall, beautiful artist. Compared to Erica, I'm an average Joe. Honestly, and I've been told this before, I wouldn't have gotten modeling gigs if it weren't for the fact that I was in a band.  

Tyler and I sat in the backseat of the rental car while Jack drove and Erica sat in the passanger's seat. "Can we put on some music?" I asked after a few minutes of silent driving. I don't think Erica could sense it, but the tension in the car was practically suffocating. Erica reached for the stereo and switched to the local radio station- the one that always played the same ten songs within an hour.  

The song that played was by Rihanna, talking about sadists and masochists. It was weird, but I couldn't find myself to pay too much attention to the lyrics. I fumbled with the fabric of my dress, occasionally sneaking a glance at Jack. Tyler laced our fingers together and I smiled at the gesture. The entire car ride was spent in silence layered over pop music until we reached the restaurant. 

Tyler hurried out of the car and opened the door for me. I smiled and thanked him quietly as I got out. In front of us, I could hear Erica scolding Jack for not opening the door for her. If it were any other couple, any other circumstances, I would have laughed.  

"Table for Barakat," Erica said to the man standing behind the podium. He took one look at Tyler, his green eyes cautious as he led us to a table for four in the back of the restaurant. I made the mistake of sitting at the chair closest to the window since Jack made the choice to sit across from me. I wanted to ask Tyler to switch me seats, but decided against it. The last thing I waned was to make a big deal out of the seating arrangement. 

After ordering some fancy ass Italian food, the table felt in a sort lived silence that Erica quickly broke. "How long have you two been together?" She asked. I picked up the glass of wine the waiter had brought only seconds earlier.  

Taking a longer drink than usual, I swallowed and said, "Not long," I set the half-full glass of wine on the table, "how long have you two been together?" My eyes darted for a split second to Jack. He was staring blankly at me, his eyes mixed with a thoughtful look. 

Erica looked to Jack, her lips twitched into a smile, but I saw the frown that creased her forehead. "Years," she answered, "since senior year of high school. We met at a coffee shop, very cliche, and sort of just hit it off from there." Jack looked at her and she looked at him. Her eyes filled with love and adoration, but Jack's eyes were just cold and distant. He smiled at her, but it was so fake it made me want to laugh at how she couldn't see past his lying emotions. 

Red Lips & Brown Eyes // Jack BarakatWhere stories live. Discover now