Red Lips & Brown Eyes ~ Chapter Fifteen: Story of My Life

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Day Twenty: Los Angeles, California 

Song & Title  Credit: Story of My Life by One Erection


I paced around the front lounge, my heart beat increased rapidly once I realized that our show would begin in less than an hour. Which obviously meant that in less than an hour, I would be secretly confessing my feelings to an entire crowd filled with 15,000 kids, and then in private with Jack. This is my first confession I've ever done in my entire life. EVen with Ivy, she was the one to make the first move because I was too nervous to do anything.  

"Can you move?" Anna threw popcorn at me. She was watching some stupid comedy movie with Adam Sandler. Although I love Adam Sandler, I'm too nervous to sit down an enjoy his comedy.  

"You've seen this movie like seven times." I retorted.  

Anna shrugged, stuffing another handful of popcorn into her mouth. "So?" She said with a blank expression. "You've watched 'Boyz In Tha Hood like twenty times." 

"Boyz In Tha Hood was an amazing film about the struggles in the ghetto and being African American!" I defended my favorite movie. "Click is about some stupid ass remote. It's unrealistic." I added. Although I love the movie, it is extremely unrealistic. I can go into that stupid mattress store right now and there sure as hell won't be some old dude offering me a magical blue remote that could control time and all that shit.  

"Who cares how unrealistic it is?" Anna stood up from the couch, angered. "It's much better than half of the bullshit crap you always watch!" She was now yelling. I didn't mean to piss her off, I'm just so irritated by everything. The entire ordeal with Jack is making me beyond nervous.  

"At least I don't waste my time laughing at unrealistic bullshit! Or crying over some dumb ass girl who fell into some stupid coma! How cliche is that plot? It's so overused, complete bullshit."  

"The vow is an amazing movie!" Anna shouted, taking a step closer to me. "It's better than watching two idiots get high on one idiot's porch on a Friday afternoon! The shit you watch is stupid, mediocre bullshit that was meant to entertain people with a small brain capacity." Are we seriously arguing over the things we watch?  

"Fuck off, Anna." I spat, my fists clenched tightly.  

Anna opened her mouth to fire back, but Audrey stepped in before she could utter a single word. "What the hell's going on?" He asked, his arm protectively wrapped around Anna's waist. I rolled my eyes at the gesture.  

"You know what your problem is, Melissa?" Anna asked, ignoring her fiance.  

"What?" My voice heavy with sarcasm.  

"You think you're better than anyone else. You think you're the queen bitch because you're a model and your brother is Mark Hoppus. But here's a dose of fucking reality; You're no better than any of us. You're nothing more than a weed smoking, alcohol abusing, self-centered bitch who spends way too much time wallowing in your own self pity! You act so fucking mighty because you're the only single one, but we all know that you're craving love from someone else. Did it ever cross your mind that Ivy may have cheated on you because she was sick of your fucking attitude?" Her words caught me completely off guard.  

"Anna!" Audrey shouted, pulling her away from me.  

My eyes burned, the lump in my throat slowly rising. "Fuck..." I trailed off, unable to finish my sentence. Instead of saying anything, I spun around and hurried off the bus. Her words were completely true. I don't think I'm better than anyone else, but I do spend too much time pitying myself for being the only single person in the band. Maybe Anna's right, maybe Ivy cheated on me because she couldn't handle my bullshit.  

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