Red Lips & Brown Eyes ~ Chapter Eleven: Little Black Dress

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Chapter Eleven: Little Black Dress

Song: A Love Like War by All Time Blow ft Vic Fuentes 

Melissa's outfit to the side ;-;

Day Fourteen; Las Vegas, Nevada 


I woke up at seven in the afternoon. My high had completely burnt out and yet, I still felt recharged and full of energy. I yawned and stood up from the floor, stretching my arms out until I heard the familiar 'crack'. "Tyler," I gently kicked his leg. "Giraffe, wake the fuck up." I said. 

Tyler's eyes slowly fluttered open. He groaned loudly, his hands rubbing over his face. "W-What time is it, midget?" He asked. I told him it was seven, but this only made him groan even louder than before. "We slept through a good portion of your day off." He said. 

Sighing, I shrugged. "So? It was fun..." I paused as I began walking towards the door. "Not the sleeping part, although I do love sleep. But I meant the part about getting high and stuff. That was fun. It sure as hell beat doing interviews and crap like that." To be completely honest, I'm sick and tired of interviews. The majority of them ask the same questions and I always feel suffocated whenever they ask me extremely personal questions. I mean, why the hell does it matter whether I'm dating someone or not? And why do they always ask about 'Jelissa'? Had they not come up with better questions that they had to result in asking the most unprofessional question out there? 

Okay, rant is officially finished. 

When I walked into the front lounge, I was a bit surprised to see that mostly everyone was still here. "I thought you guys would have left by now." I said and grabbed a can of soda from the mini fridge. I pulled the lid back and sat down by Ricky at the booth. Seconds later, Tyler walked in. 

"Actually," Ayane began, "We were waiting for you guys to wake up. Do you two want to come to the casino with us?" She asked. 

I looked over at Tyler who was downing a can of Seven Up! He shrugged, silently telling me that he didn't really care. "Sure," I turned my attention back to Ayane, "Sounds like fun. But when are you guys leaving?" 

"Not until nine." Sasha answered, "The guys from Blink have already left and I think most of the members for All Time Low have as well." She stated.

"Cool. Let me just go get ready." I stood up from the booth and headed towards the bunk area. I picked out the outfit I wanted to wear and headed straight towards the bathroom. While the shower water was beginning to heat up, I quickly stripped out of my clothes and tossed them into the hamper. Quick mental note; do the laundry tomorrow. 

I stepped inside the shower, my muscles relaxing instantly as the hot water hit against my bare skin. I quickly washed my hair with my favorite shampoo, shaved the light stubble on my legs and washed my body before I stepped out of the shower. I dried my hair and body with my red towel before I quickly changed into a pair of pink panties and bra. I slipped on my black dress, zipping up the back. For some girls, that's the hardest part, but it's fairly simple to me. I'm certainly not claiming that I'm smarter than other girls, I just never had a hard time with zipping up the back of my dress. 

Once I finished changing, I grabbed my blow dryer and walked out of the bathroom. I entered the empty back lounge, the smell of marijuana still lingered in the air, but I didn't mind. Once I finished drying my hair, I curled the ends and finished off with hair spray. For my make up, I stayed with the basics; red lipstick, winged eyeliner and light foundation. I rolled on some deodorant, sprayed on perfume and stuffed my clutch with all my necessities before I decided I was finally ready. 

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