Blog 39# Q 'n' A with a twist

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G'day guys, Jessi here and today I'm ready to be honest again

Yes I'm talkin about another Q+A


This is a twist.

I haven't use your questions.




Look I promise I am going to use your questions in the next one, but...this I thought would be so much fun to do because it is also very random.

So surfing the internet I stumbled across a little website, nothing bad I promise you and it's called 'Conversation starters. Com'. And in this website they have a question generator that you press and using the question it gives you, you can use it to start a conversation instead of being a social introvert who would make any type of impromptu discussion me.

So using this Question Generator I am going to answer some questions...using the generator, also meaning that these questions are going to probably be deep, random, funny and somewhat questionable just depending. I'm going to answer as many as my willpower can take, not gonna lie I am scared  but who cares...I'm doing this for you guys while my brain rests from the last 2 months of school destroying it.

So here we go...!

1) Would you rather be homeless for a year or be in jail for a year?

Hehehe wow I didn't think we would be starting out this way. I would rather be in jail for a year, at least I would have a roof over my head and food in my stomach still.

2) What is something you've never done but would like to try?

I would like to try swimming with dolphins, they are so cute and I always wanted to do this because I think they are such beautiful creatures.

3) If you could try out any job for one week, what job would you choose to try?

I would like to try out my childhood dream of being a fashion designer, I would like to see if I have what it takes to pursue the career.

4) What phases did you go through? Do you cringe at the thought of them?

Oh my have so many phases I went through and so many I hate to think of but I think the three biggest phases I went through was the 'Twilight' phase at the age of 13, the 'One Direction' phase at the age of 15 and the 'Punk/Emo' phase at 17, although I don't think I have completely stopped the third phase the other two are the most cringe worthy though...I'll tell you the story sometime.

5) Would you rather be the most popular kid in school or the smartest kid in school?

I rather be the smartest kid at school, sure may not be popular but I will definitely get a bright future. :D... NOT SAYING POPULAR PEOPLE DON'T HAVE BRIGHT FUTURES, YA KNOW WHERE I WAS TRYING TO GO WITH THIS...I'm gonna stop trying now

...Great job Jessi, five questions in and you are already insulting others

anyways let's move on shall we

6) What is your biggest concern about the future?

For me I think my biggest concern is that I won't live my life the way I dream or plan in living, I want to be able to live the life I never got to have and be able to enjoy my life and all the adventures I go on.

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