Blog 25# I am a destructive person

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G'day guys it's your favourite (hopefully) blogger Jessi, hitting the quarter mark of 25 blogs...

....and I am a destructive person.




You are probably questioning what kind of human being I am...I am someone who causes mre danger than electricity, I break things constantly and I am the clumsiest and most poor judging person you will meet on the block. Still don't believe me? Well Ihave many examples to give as to WHY I AM A DESTRUCTIVE PERSON!

*cue intense YouTube edit music*

When I was in the eighth grade...I broke a window.

Yep that's right I made a pretty big crack into the class that was the only barrier between myself and the outside world beyond my classroom door. All I did was lean against the window because the bell was going to go at any minute for lunch...and crack. It cracked, I believed that it was either my weight or how the window glass itself was so weak from being hit by footballs and soccer balls and everything that kids accidently throw at a window and I was the last child to cop it...I was pretty reckless. Like the teacher was mildly concerned of me.

Secondly I am accident prone, I am the kind of person you could wrap in bubble wrap, put in a puffy sumo suit, put into one of those plastic balls filled with pillows and fluff...and I would still find a way to injure myself. Most of my injuries have been ranging from fracture ankles, concussions, jarred fingers, sprained feet, tissue damaged legs, bruises from random slips/trips and may explain why I have the chronic nerve disorder that I have now. I don't know why I am but that is just how my genetic line wants to work

WHY DID YOU MAKE ME THIS WAY!!! *shakes fists at the malt shop in the sky*

And let's not get started with my technology problems...I have lots of technology problems. I broke 3 phones out of the 5 I have had including now, first one got dropped in the girl's toilets the toilet, the second one got taken by a friend's dog and into their pool and the third one fell out of my pocket when I was walking the dog and got ran over by a car on a driveway 3 blocks from where I live...I owned the dinosaur phones for nearly 4 years before I upgraded to a Nokia luminous 350, an my iPod got smashed last Friday too...I swear that IPod could be the visual representation of my soul last year, smashed to millions of pieces but still working.

One of these days I will kill myself with my own body and reckless behaviour, why oh why oh why!!!!

So if you found it humorous that I am a completely reckless fail then please vote on this blog and if you want to check out more of my works or follow me then click on my icon and press the 'follow' button. Leave a comment down below and tell me if you are reckless like me and what act of recklessness have you committed in your life. If you want to follow me on Twitter then follow @Jessigirl_105 and hopefully if anything I made your day better than how my life works.

Bye xxx

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