While I know for sure that I can't answer the question, "Who are you?" with an exact answer, I feel like I can give an answer that is close to being true.
I am me.
There is no question about that of course because one can only be themselves. I can only be me. She can only be she. He can only be he. They are always them.
It is the simplest answer to the question "Who are you?"
I am me.
Because everyone is different. Everyone goes through their own struggles. And though one may have similarities with someone else, in the end we are all unique. We are not cloned copies. Everyone has their flaws. Everyone has their perfections and imperfections. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, whether their beauty comes from their appearance or their personality.
Everyone changes too. There is never a definite answer to the question "Who are you?" because of that. People change, people grow up, people start to care about their appearance and what other people think of them so they change how they look and how they act. But they shouldn't. No one should change the way they look for another person, or group of people. A person's differences are what makes them beautiful.
So everyone needs to stay beautiful in their own way. Whatever way that is.
The Misunderstood
Short StoryThis was a project that we had to do in English... And I decided to post it cause I'm actually kinda proud of it lolol. I wrote this entire story and unfortunately it is not fiction. This is all real life accounts from well... my life.