Chapter 11 - Sole

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"I no longer believed in the idea of soul mates,

or love at first sight.

But I was beginning to believe that a very few times in your life,

if you were lucky,

you might meet someone who was exactly right for you.

Not because he was perfect,

or because you were,

but because your combined flaws were arranged in a way,

that allowed two separate beings to

hinge together."

― Lisa Kleypas


Prim's POV

My anger blares more than a loud nightclub. I. Cannot. Stand. Him. That son of a bitch of ripped out and stomped on Katniss' fragile heart. He will hear a word or two from me, that is final. Luck would be on his side if I don't rip out his throat with my bare hands.

I can't fathom how so called 'Marvel' is here working at the hotel. That bastard couldn't even use his real name. Why did it have to be this place of all places? The hotel that Katniss and I chose. It amuses me still how he honestly though that wearing contacts and changing his hair colour would inhibit anyone from recognising him. Oh how sadly was he mistaken.

I have never been this angry in my entire like. When it comes to Katniss' happiness I get every protective and sentimental because she really has not had a happy childhood, well not since dad died in the attack. She became the sole provider of our family since mum found herself in her own little world battling a crippling depression.

My sister is so incredibly loyal, strong and brave and it is a constant thought as to why Peeta had left her at that damned altar. She hadn't ever done anything wrong by him therefore, I hate him for the pain he has inflicted on her. She was was heartbroken, almost became what our mother used to be. The depression almost killed Katniss, Peeta almost killed my sister.

She did unearthly things to herself in that dark period of time. The scars on her wrists all tell her tale of survival against her own emotions. She long has stopped since her second attempt after I caught her. I cried hysterically believing that I truly lost her to the darkness that consumed her. Katniss came back to me, out of that darkness to console my own emotions about her, with the promise she wouldn't do it again. 

Our mother was also very supportive having experienced that type of pain. Our mother hasn't been in that state for seven years almost. She dramatically recovered upon her realisation that the Mellark's were keeping our family financially stable. She got up off her arse and began working, not accepting their charity. Mum managed to find work at the local hospital. I followed in her footsteps...sort of.

I am starting university soon, as a fresh faced eighteen year old. I, like my mother are going into medicine but I'm not settling at just a nurse, I shall get a doctorate. Even though I am eighteen and legally am an adult Katniss still continues to treat me the same way she had when I was twelve. Calling me Little Duck, Ducky (for short) and Primmy - a great sister in general, protective all the time that it sometimes gets tedious.

I would literally run to the very end of this cruel world in order to make her happy. She would do the same no doubt vet faster because she adopted the long-legged gene from my parents. Katniss was never ever a girly-girl, not until recently at least.

Peeta, I hate even thinking of that name and the face of his that belongs to it. He will never find a woman as good as my sister, even though she would disagree herself. Trust me, I have tried getting her together with someone else. Actually, a year after the wedding incided Gale and I had a brilliant idea to get her to go on a blind date with one of his single mates. It. Did. Not. Go. Well. At. All.

She arrived home only an hour after she had left, in hysterics claiming he was nothing like Peeta. Gale and that mate are no longer mates after that night as Katniss herself escaped the date through the bathroom window.

I would just love to see Katniss finally happy again, as time passes I believe that is not a possibility anymore. She is happy at the moment but I can tell she really isn't truly happy, that was only every witnessed when she was with Peeta.

Okay, I admit I overreacted a little in my tantrum over Peeta because he did save all our lives but, you still cannot change the brutal fact that he did break my older sisters heart. Right now, and what Katniss' attitude on life is like demonstrates to me that she is not capable of love anymore. He destroyed her, maybe if they got back together she would be happy. But I do not like him at all, if they do ever get back (hypothetically) what could I do except be supportive for them? Plus I know what it is like to love someone and have it unrequited.

You are probably wondering who this person is that I like, no. Love. Wait! Is it too early to describe this feeling as love even though we are not even a couple? I can't describe any other emotion that fits what I feel for him. Therefore, I will just label it as love. I feel all tingly around him, almost like there is butterflies in my stomach. He is perfect but also very much taken unfortunately. He doesn't notice me ever, it's because I am not pretty enough, worthy enough for him.

Percy is just gorgeous. There, I said his name. Percy Odair, Katniss' friends brother. Actually a friend that Peeta left behind, a forgotten friend like the rest of us. Now back to my crush, Percy is going out with Shirley, the bleached hair, tanned skin fake bimbo. Not that all girls that possess that characteristic are bimbos though, just she is. His type of girl is called the 'slut', highly opposite to me, the quite girl who never shuts up once you know me well.

I look like the complete opposite to my sister, people would think we are just friends rather than sisters in public. I have the ashy blonde hair and she has the auburn locks. A hidden beauty she is, reminds me of my dad. She reminds me from that dad that I have few memories of due to his demise when I was a child.

Wow. I am thinking way too much about my sister right now even though we saw each other twenty minutes ago from dinner. I just I am just paranoid and overly protective of her. She has been so vulnerable these past couple years and with Peeta working at the hotel, makes me very weary. Katniss could fall for his charm again and that is what I oppose. It would end in another disaster, I just know it and she'll get hurt once again...... She may not recover this time. 

I may be young but I do know what is best for my sister, and Peeta is most definitely not. My mind shall not change my opinion of him until the day I get a reasonable excuse as to why he left her at the altar on their wedding day.

Like, who does that?

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