Nevermore Attack!

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(A/n): im throwing in a twist where an Legendary Nevermore I made up attacks your airship.

(Y/n): hmmm... Maybe I should have talked to her.

As you ponder, you notice a gigantic black feather falling in front of your vision.

(Y/n): What the hell? That's way to big to be a nevermore feath...Er

You then see the legendary nevermore known as Rapture flying at fullspeed.

(Y/n): Everyone!!!! Brace for impact!!!

Your just about to call the academy when you get an idea. You back up and against your best judgment, use your semblance to great wings of shadow. You blast through the window and fly out just before metal blast shields block the hole. Your wings turn to platforms which you stand on.

(Y/n): alright big guy, its just you and me...

You then lunched several spikes at Rapture. You throw Sawtooth turbine underhandedly with the chainsaw running. It slices throw the underbelly of rapture. when Sawtooth turbine loops around to return to you, you. Shadow hope to it as it crosses over raptures head. You then do a spin slash launching rapture to the ground as you follow...

-in the entrance hall-
-ruby pov-

Ozpin is conducting a speech. Im not paying attention since I can only think about (y/n) no showing up. In the middle of a sentence Ozpin leaves the stage and looks up. A gigantic nevermore crashes through the ceiling. Before it gets up a boy falls down and the throws a chainsaw boomerang at it cut along the spine before returning to the boy. It then turns into a hoverboard as he lands dramatically infront of the nevermores head. It's non other then (y/n).

-third pov-

Ozpin: that's one way to make an entrance.

Glynda: You just killed Rapture! The nevermore of ancient legend. 
Everyone starts talking about the mysterious 1st year that just drop in (and there is my pun). You stare intensely at a love struck ruby and a shocked yang.

(Y/n): this is going to be one hell of a year...

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