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You all stood there in the clearing, commenting on each others style of battle. Thankfully this gave you the chance to catch everyone's name. You where surprised to note vast potential in jaune arc. You where debating on training with him. Suddenly yang came up to you.

Yang: good job out there (y/n). You kicked butt back there.

She got very close to you when ruby stood between you and her. Ruby scolded heat sister for hitting on me. And gave me a piece of her mind for almost falling into her "clutches".

(Y/n): ruby, your adorable when your angry.

Ruby: (y/n), not in front of everyone.

(Y/n): why no...

Ruby: why what? (Y/n)? You ok?

She looks and sees a chemical dart in your back with ATLAS printed on the side. You begin to lose control of your semblance as shadows seep out from yours. All you said to the others was...

(Y/n): Run, before I'm lost in shadows...

When they were out of harms way. Akumu took control of you.

Akumu: well than, atlas wants to join in on the fun. This could make things interesting!

Akumu uses shadows to grab a atlas drop ship and slam it to the ground before skewering all the reaming ground troops.

Akumu: you brought this misfortune upon yourself so expect nothing less than death.

Suddenly ozpin is behind you and gives (y/n) control over Akumu once more.

Ozpin: To think atlas would attack one of my very own students. That is very concerning to me. So unless you want this indecent revealed to the public I suggest you leave.

A ship fly's away from behind a large rock formation leaving you and ozpin.

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