New Weapon For A Shadow

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Ozpin: I'm sure you know why I brought you back to this weapon shop.

(Y/n): yep I do.

You enter the shop to see the owner waiting for you.

Owner: well look how's here, so what brings you back to my shop.

(Y/n): I require a new weapon, something that most would not expect me to wield.

Owner: hmmm... alright, I have three halberds you can take a look at.

He walks you over to three different styles of halberd. One has a jagged handle with a knife at the opposite end of the shaft. The middle has a elegant, smooth, and flowing frame that has a hidden bow string in the frame. The last, which caught your attention was a straight simple frame that was made of hollow reinforced alloy that hid two chains inside. One chain was attached to a spiked club head. The other was attached to the axe head on the opposite end. The frame also retracted into a smaller handle.

(Y/n): this one, I'll choose this one.

You picked up the chain variant of the three.

Owner: so razor head will be the one.

(Y/n): yes...

Owner: good, then take that cursed thing now. It's about time I got rid of that killers weapon.

Ozpin: you mean that's "that persons weapon"? 

Owner: yep, I have been trying to get rid of it for years. Just take it and go I won't charge you anything for just leave.

With that you left and you mind wondered who was this weapons original owner.

(A/n): alright, I finally got another part out. Now, I have a request for all those who read this. I want a reader to come up with a character who will be known as the old owner of razor head. The winner will be given a shoutout on the next chapter. If you wish to submit your character, then DM me your character and a brief bio before July 8th 2017. Peace!!!

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