Shadows need light?

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Y/n: so is he a separate entity from me then?

Akumu: yes *sigh* I am... I mean who else would I be able to manifest out side of you?

Vani: further more shadows aren't your true semblance...

*vani opens his hand as fire flares to life in his palm*

Vani: neither was it mine...

Y/n: what? I don't understand! Then what the hell is ?!

Akumu: sum wielder

Y/n: what?...

Vani: as far as I've seen you are this ... things favorite host

Akumu: he's ideal his soul and potential aura are insane... it's like starring into the sun at point blank... with u i casted the largest shadow I've ever been able to. But the power corrupted me. That's why ... why there gone... I-I'm sorry truly.

*in a panicked voice*
Y/n: now who's experiencing character change ha ha (😉 luv you forth wall)

*the bricks shift to form a middle finger*

Vani: come here a moment *gets up and walks deeper into the cave*

Y/n: *follows but finds your self alone wandering* VANI!? ...

*suddenly light flapping finds your ears you look over a notice a dark forest with a pure white owl looking at you with piercing blue eyes. It blinks once causing the east to shift slightly red before blinking back to blue. A noticeable glow surrounds the bird before flying off to a clearing up ahead. You follow swiftly the owl now perched on a young oak tree in the middle of the circular clearing. It screeches loudly before turning into a giant owl Grimm with a face similar to yours. Sawtooth manifests on your back in boomerang form.*

Y/n: your corruption that came from over use and attachment of akumu.

*your parents blooded faces flash before your eyes along with a smiling ruby rose. Anger and a sense of protection grew inside you*

Y/n: be gone...,

*you pull saw tooth off your back as it shift into two new soul manifested weapons*

*you pull saw tooth off your back as it shift into two new soul manifested weapons*

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*The edge bathed in a fire hot as the sun. Your hair like wise breathed in fire flows slowly with a slow step forward you appear behind the creature a few seconds later the creature separates in two fading to ash. The blades form into one ball of energy before flying into your chest. Then something strange happens, you turn into a owl bathed in flames of the sun. You fly back to the camp near the mouth of the cave before turning back into a human*

Vani: impressive... that's a new record

Y/n: what is ?

Vani: that fact that you tamed and claimed your soul in on minute

Y/n: I understand... but I can't put it into words

*you look to akumu*

Y/n: but what about him?

Akumu: well... don't think you're getting rid of me that easily. To the great ozpin I am a valuable student *mimics sipping coffee* plus a team needs more than one member

Y/n: your right you first pump him lock it and explode it

Vani: welp I've done my job now get back to school

Y/n: what ? But my training

*vani walks up to you and places a hand on your head before saying Inherent! All his knowledge passes to you even a memory of him holding you in his arms as a child. A tear rolls down your cheek before vani fades to ash*

Y/n: Dad...

Akumu: is he dead?!

*you walk to the cave entrance and look out over the land*

Y/n: no he's out there somewhere

*a feather of crimson blows out of the ash yo your feat*

Y/n: let's go akumu

Akumu: alright lets get it

Sup my bronys jk lol for real though I hope you enjoyed this chapter and once again I'm super sorry for the late update. Anyway peace my dudes. Also (got dared to do this) śèńd ńùdś jk pls don't memes are better lol. Night to the fellow reading this while taking a shit

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