A Rose of Red...

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As you walked to the air docks, you carry Sawtooth Turbine over your back in suitcase config. You would arrive early and decided to buy a mask to consel your identity.

you also bought a black leather jacket with a hood to wear over the mask

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you also bought a black leather jacket with a hood to wear over the mask.

(Y/n): alright... You stood menicingly at the edge of the now crowded docks.

You put down your hood and revealed the mask. People noticed and started whispering. For some strange reason you felt your personality merging with akumu. You just simply didn't give two fucks about anything. You sat on an empty bench away from the crowd.

???: hey dude...

A blonde girl walks up to you, followed by another girl you emeditly recognize as your ex from signal Ruby Rose. You then remember the blonde is yang, her sister who hates you. Since you never officaly broke up with ruby because you where taken into custody after the classroom incident, things could go bad quickly.

Yang: my sister is interested in your weapon.

You try not to say anything so they won't recognize you, and simply show off the weapon.

Ruby: OMG ITS SO COOL! did you design it?

You simply nod yes. You let her handle the weapon. She accedintly shots one of the spikes knocking off your mask which makes you freeze in place.

Ruby: oh, sorry about... Gasps (y/n)? Is it really you? Your still ok?

She slowly reaches for my hand, but an announcement stating boarding has began gives me the opportunity to run to a full bullhead. Before I enter I say sadly...

(Y/n): Im sorry my rose...

The door closes and it lifts off.

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