Midnight meetings

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It was nighttime, around 12. I was sitting on my roof, looking at the stars. Suddenly a loud thump came from behind me, causing me to spin around cautiously.

"I'd like to know why every time someone has been akumatized, you were there," Cat Noir said, clearly expecting me to be his enemy.

I stand up, turning my body to face him completely. I smile, which makes him lose his cool exterior for a second. I walk closer to him so I wouldn't be shouting my answer.

"I'm not Hawk Moth, don't worry. My name's Lara, but I know you already knew that"

"I do know who you are, but I'm still curious. Why would such a pretty flower go to the danger instead of away?"

"Has Plagg ever told you about the great guardian?

He gets closer to me threateningly. "How do you know about my kwami"

"So I'm guessing he didn't. Anyway the great guardian is the one who gave you your kwami. He also gave Ladybug her kwami. I happen to be his granddaughter"

"That still doesn't make any sense," he tilts his head, utterly confused.

"I'll explain it to you then," I sit back in my spot, he sat beside me. "After I tell you this you can ask your kwami after transforming to check if I'm lying or not if you don't trust me"

"Alright. Now explain who the great guardian is"

"The great guardian is the holder of kwamis. He has a couple others that are dormant, right now only Plagg, Ladybug's kwami and Hawk Moth's are awake. My grandpa also has one, but he does not use its power like you"

"Alright. Then if you're his granddaughter then does that mean you know who I am?"


He jumps on me, trying to trap me. I was laying on the roof, him kneeling over me.

"You cannot tell anyone," he threatens, which causes me to laugh. He seemed confused with my laughing.

"I've known for a while now. If I was gonna tell someone I would've," he gets off of me and sheepishly apologizes. "Don't worry, you're only trying to keep your secret a secret"

We sit in silence watching the sky and listening to the cars passing by. He scoots closer to me.

"What else do you know?"

"I know who Ladybug is if that's what you're pestering me about," his face seems to light up but I'm happy to destroy his happiness. "No, I can't tell you. Just like you she has a secret to keep as well. Anyway, shouldn't you be getting back to your job?"

"Oh, Ladybugs taking over now"

"Oh really? How convenient."

"No I wanted to get some answers, but I had to wait-" he's cut off by a beeping sound coming from his ring. "I should go," he tries to get up but I drag him back down.

"Dude, I already know who you are. It won't hurt to stay for a bit. Plus, I have Camembert"

He seems nervous, not really wanting to stay, but he stays nonetheless. His ring beeps faster and a green light surrounds him. In a flash he is back to his normal clothes. His green eyes aren't cat-like and he doesn't have any ears on his head.

"I heard you say Camembert," Plagg says, speeding over to me just as Adrien transforms back to normal.

I giggle and jump onto my balcony. "I do"

I lead Plagg and Adrien inside, letting them get comfy as I go downstairs to get some cheese. Everybody was asleep so I was trying to be quiet. I go back to my room, Adrien was admiring the wall of books I had while Plagg was flying around the room.

"You really love books don't you," he says while I walk in the room. I put down the plate of cheese and Plagg digs in.

"I really should get going now," he turns back to me.

"Yeah, I know. It is late, but I didn't want to have you transform back halfway home," I laugh at the thought of him having to find a way off the roofs to walk home.

"Bye. I'll see you at school tomorrow," he jumps out the window after becoming Cat Noir once again. I walk out into the balcony, watching him jump from roof to roof.

I'm surprised he didn't ask why I was there. He still doesn't know that I'm supposed to be watching over them.

Granddaughter of the Great Guardian (Adrien x OC)Where stories live. Discover now