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"Alya, Lara why don't we go to the Louvre?"

"Sure!" I answer Marinette's question, Alya agrees.

We were in the museum, looking at he new exhibit about Tutankhamen. Marinette was trying to think of a way to tell Alya that Ladybug has something to do with the exhibit. I was looking around, laughing to myself at how badly Marinette was doing. I decided to walk over and help.

"Ladybug was his enemy," I whisper in Marinette's ear, she smiles and conveys the information to Alya.

"Really?" Alya seemed very interested, wanting more information for her blog about Ladybug. Marinette tries to stall.

Suddenly a tall, thing, came in trapping people in giant bubbles. Alya started to record while Marinette snuck off to transform into Ladybug. The security doors came down, trapping me, Alya and Ladybug inside with the pharaoh.

The pharaoh seemed to notice me and Alya hiding. Cat Noir appeared but was thrown into a sarcophagus. The pharaoh then proceeded to grab me, Alya, the scroll and sceptre. He brought us to the outside of the Louvre, surrounded by a bunch of mummies.

Alya was being nosy and asked what the alumatized villain was doing. He said he needed 100 mummies and a sacrifice to resurrect his princess, but with two sacrifices of pure heart it will be an easier ritual.

I just had to get dragged into this like always.

A beam of light shoots up from the tip of the Louvre, opening some sort of portal in the sky. The mummies grab us and start to take us to the pyramid, but Cat Noir and Ladybug come and save us. However the pharaoh changes its head, now able to fly, and takes us once again. He drops Alya onto the beam and then me.

Looking towards the ground I see Ladybug and Cat Noir trapping the mummies. Ladybug tries to get the Pharaoh's necklace, where the akuma is trapped, but he manages to get to it before them.

Ladybug activated her lucky charm, gaining a Ladybug costume. She then offered herself as an offering instead of me and Alya, claiming it would be good revenge since she was his enemy. He agrees and releases us, letting us slide down the side of the Louvre.

Ladybug, currently on the beam of light, grabs his necklace but tosses the earrings, giving her time to destroy the necklace and catch the akuma. Everything goes back to normal, the portal no more. The mummies turn back into people, very confused people.

Alya asks Ladybug how old she is, but is told she is too old to be a high school student. Then she disappears, and Cat Noir stands in front of us.

"Don't you wanna know how old I am?" He asks.

"I will in a few seconds," we laugh at Cat's shocked face, his ring was beeping meaning he would de-transform in a little bit. He scurries off, and I say goodbye to Alya saying I had to go home.

I go home, sitting on the roof once again, knowing someone would be dropping by. I hear a light thud on the roof, and know who it was immediately.

"Hey, Marinette"

"W-what are you talking about? I'm Ladybug," she stutters out, causing me to laugh.

"I know Cat told you about me. You can't just not tell your partner about something this big"

She sits beside me. "So your the granddaughter of Master Fu? I met him once, or twice. But I wanted to know if Cat was telling the truth or not, knowing him"

"Well it's true. By the way, how's Tikki doing?"

"Uh, she's good. She's managed to guide me and my clumsy self"

We both giggle. "Yeah, that sounds like her. She's always been the caring kwami"

"Well I gotta go, I need to get back before I de-transform"

"Bye," I say as she swings away using her yo-yo.

Well now it'll be easier for me to be around them, now that they don't suspect me of being Hawk Moth.

Granddaughter of the Great Guardian (Adrien x OC)Where stories live. Discover now