Guitar Villain

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Truth be told I didn't know what was going on between me and Adrien. Yeah, we may have kissed a couple times, but nothing's really happened. People keep asking me if we're a couple, I respond with no but I'm not sure myself.

"Are you sure it's ok I'm coming with you? I mean, I don't want Chloe yelling at you because of me," I say to Adrien. We were in his car, going to Le Grand Paris to meet Jagged Stone.

"Don't worry. I invited you, and she doesn't seem to hate you as much as anybody else here"

Wow, that ups my confidence.

We stop at the corner, the driver opens the door for us. Adrien gets out, reaching a hand out to me to help me out of the car. I gratefully take it and he brings me inside, or tries to. Chloe runs out, pushing past Marinette and running to us.

"Hey Marinette, what's in your hands?" I ask, leaving the screaming Chloe with Adrien.

"Oh it's a cd cover. Jagged Stone wants me to design it"

"Really? That's great!" I squeal quietly, not wanting to be like Chloe, and give her a congratulatory hug. "I gotta go, but good luck"

I walk inside with Adrien, but Chloe stops me saying I couldn't go in. Adrien tried to talk about it with Chloe but I said it was fine.

"Don't worry about it. I have a feeling I'll get to meet him later," I mumble the last part. I knew someone was going to get akumatized, I just had a feeling trouble was approaching

"But I can't just-"

"Come on Adrien, we can't leave him waiting," Chloe says dragging him away.

"Don't worry about me!" I yell to him since Chloe dragged him far away pretty quickly. He was looking at me with a sincere and sorry look on his face.

I go to my grandpa's house, wanting to visit. I hadn't had time to since I had school and having to watch the heroes. As I walk in Wyazz flies directly into my face and holds on to my nose. Sort of like a a bug being squat on a windshield.

"Lara! Someone's been akumatized"

I gently remove him from my face, and give a little laugh. I walk towards the door, Wyazz following me.

"I knew this was going to happen," I say before I exit, knowing Wyazz couldn't be outside or he'd be seen.

I run to the TVI studio, knowing Jagged would be going after XY. I get inside, meeting up with Cat Noir and Ladybug. They were trying to warn him, but he wouldn't listen. I push past them, knowing he would listen to me. I can be persuasive at times.

"XY, you need to get out of here. Unless you wanna fall about 500 feet from the top of the Eiffel Tower," his facial expressions don't change, a neutral look on his face, but I can tell he's started to worry a bit. When we try to get him to safety, Guitar Villain swoops in on his dragon and kidnaps him.

Seriously Hawk Moth? You gave him a dragon?

I get Cat to take me with him to the Eiffel Tower. I wanted to be there, having to watch the events that were about to occur. XY was on the end of a plank, almost falling off. Cat dropped me off at the top, where the villain was. I hid on one side, they were on the other. Cat gets hit and has to climb back up alongside Ladybug.

They get into a fight, leaving a spot open for me to help XY. I was about to lead him off the plank when Ladybug and Cat Noir came up, Guitar Villain following. I go back to my spot, waiting for them to gain some distance. The heroes fall, Guitar Villain following them. The plank was about to crack, meaning I had to move quickly.

"XY, you need to get off of there," I shout over the loud cheering from the crowd below.

He looks hesitant, but there was no time to hesitate. I ran onto the board and just as it cracked, I grabbed his arm. I drag him back up, but Guitar Villain was on the other end. The board breaks, under our weight.

Ladybug grabbed XY with her yo-yo while Cat saved me. He gently placed me on the ground and went back up to finish the fight. I watch, soon everything turns back to normal. Cat comes back down and scoops me up. He runs over the rooftops towards my house. He lands on my balcony, softly putting my feet on the ground.

"You know, I could've walked myself," I was leaning against the door to my room, facing the Cat in front of me.

"What, am I not allowed to help you?"

I giggle. "I didn't say that. But I do have legs for a reason"

He leans closer to me, placing a hand on the door I was leaning against. I watch him start to lean in and smirk. I open the door and slide into my room, making him fall forward since he was putting his weight against the door.

"Haha, that's what you get"

He groans and stands up. "For what, helping you?"

"No. For not letting me go on a nice midnight walk, you know how I enjoy walks under the stars"

"Well I saved you the trip," he walks back to the door but faces me, standing just outside. "Au revoir mon cheri," he disappears and I walk out leaning against the railing.

After getting a quick glance at the city I turn around to go back in but run into a body. I get a glimpse of blonde and green before I'm pulled towards them. Cat put his hands on my cheeks and pulled my lips to his.

This is why he's so confusing. I don't know if we're together or not, how can I tell?

The kiss was short but sweet. When he pulls away, my eyes remain closed for a second.

"Goodnight-" I hear a soft voice say, very quietly. So quiet I couldn't hear the rest of what he said.

I open my eyes and find nobody. He was gone, leaving me thinking once again.

Granddaughter of the Great Guardian (Adrien x OC)Where stories live. Discover now