First day

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T-I-R-E-D. That's how you could describe me on the first day of school. I was not ready to be up early, considering how late I was out the day before, flying all day on a plane.

My parents dropped me off to the school, it was very big, but I think I've seen some houses here that size. I step out of my very expensive car, slowly walking into school.

I fiddle with my bag nervously, I had no idea where I was going or what I was doing. I eventually make it to the two big doors and look inside. It was a beautiful school, very expensive. I examine the halls as I try to find the office, when I finally find it I get my classes and am led to class.

"Class this is Lara, the new student," everyone was staring at me intently, I stood not knowing what to do. "We don't seem to have any empty seats, would anyone care to share?"

The seats were benches, long enough to have like five people on each. Marinette was in the front, the girl next to her raised her hand excitedly saying she would let me sit next to her.

"Alright, Lara, you'll sit next to Marinette and Alya," I go and sit next to them, Alya stands up letting me sit in the middle.

"Hey girl, I'm Alya. That's marinette," she points to the girl sitting on the other side of me, who I met yesterday.

"Nice to see you again," I say with a smile.

"You two already met?"

"Yeah, I visited the bakery," I explain to her.

"Hey, mind introducing us?" A guy sitting behind us asks.

"Oh yeah, Lara this is Nino," I smile at the darker skin boy who was wearing a hat and put my fist up. He seems happy someone understands how to do a proper fist bump and hits my fist.

"Finally someone who understands!" He says, not yelling but sorta in a dramatic way, this makes us laugh.

"And this is Adrien," Alya finishes pointing to blonde haired boy with green eyes.

I feel like I've seen him before.

"Nice to meet you," He says with a kind smile on his face.

Ooohhh now I know. He's the one.

"Same here," I turn back, done with introductions, and focus on the lesson.

Time skip

The day was done. The easiest first day ever. I made 4 new friends, already knew what we were learning, since I learned it before I moved, and I get to visit my grandpa.

"Grandpa, I'm here," I enter a little room, my grandpa was sitting next to a weird shaped box.

"Ah, Lara. I wanted to talk to you about something," he motions for me to sit on the floor, there was no furniture.

"What's wrong?" I ask as his kwami flies over to me, happy to see me once again.

"You know about Hawk Moth correct?" He asks.

"Yeah, you're the one who told me about him"

"Right. And Ladybug and Cat Noir?"

"Ok, where are you going with this?" I was getting very curious as to what his point was.

"I'm getting old. I'm not able to do as many things as I used to-"

"Are you giving me a kwami!" I was getting excited but my grandpa had to ruin it for me.

"No. However, I just so happen to know that you are in the same class as Ladybug and Cat Noir. I want you to keep an eye on them, make sure they are doing their jobs properly and safely. Of course, their kwamis will help guide them, but I'd like to know how things are going other than watching the news"

"So what your saying is..."

"I want you to follow them. Make sure they are safe, we cannot lose them as heroes in this time of day. Hawk Moth must be stopped, they are our only hope"

Granddaughter of the Great Guardian (Adrien x OC)Where stories live. Discover now