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Darn it! Why do I have to be so stupid? Can't I just figure it out?!

The next day, I realize I forgot to do something important. Every time I think about it I forget about it. I was going to ask Adrien what he thought of me and why he did everything he did for me... but I forgot.

We were taking a class photo. Everyone was in the courtyard of the school, lined up. I was put next to Adrien, standing behind a bench, after about 20 different positions. Chloe was being Chloe again. She was trying to make sure Juleka, a classmate of ours, wasn't in the photo. She was on the other side of Adrien, which is where Chloe wanted to stand.

Juleka went to the bathroom and didn't come back. We took the picture, then she finally returned. She looked so sad, being left out of the photo. She said it was a curse, things always going wrong in photos.

Time skip

It was lunch and I haven't seen Juleka. Rose, her friend, was looking for her. I see Juleka run past me, outside of the school. Marinette, who was sitting beside me, was gone.

Where did she disappear to now?

I get up to look around for her but see a girl in all pink, even her skin. I immediately know what was going on and try to find Cat or Ladybug. Cat was there first, but ends up getting turned into a replica of the villain.

Juleka, making everybody look like you won't change the fact that your seen. You aren't you.

She tried to shoot her beam at me, but I jump out of the way. She tries again but I pull out a mirror from my bag and it bounces back. I hide behind some lockers, Cat beside me. Reflekta, or Juleka, went off somewhere to make more versions of herself.

"Cat, are you-" I look at him and start laughing. It was hard to keep a straight face watching him try to walk in heels.


"You look like your struggling in the heels"

"How do you manage to walk in these?" He asks, making me laugh even more.

When I stop laughing we run out to try and stop Reflekta. Ladybug was now there, dodging the beam. I hid behind a wall, not wanting to be transformed, and watch all the mirror images surround them. She runs out, away from all the students.

Ladybug and Cat went to a studio while I went to the next place she was gonna strike, the mayors office. I go in and noticed everybody looked like Reflekta. I find the mayor, Ladybug and Cat already there. They smash the bracelet, but no akuma appears.

"You know that's the mayor, right?"

I say, then the real Reflekta shows up, about to zap me and Ladybug. Cat steps in front of the beam, taking one for the team. Cat turns the lights off, after Ladybug told him to, and she uses a camera flash to temporarily blind Reflekta. She grabs the mirror and breaks it, setting the akuma free.

Everything goes back to normal, and then we're at the park, retaking the class photo, minus Chloe and Sabrina. Marinette was persistent and got the photographer to retake the photo. Juleka's photo curse was finally broken.

"That's a great thing you did Marinette," I say to her.

"Thanks, I just felt bad for what Chloe did"

She goes off somewhere and Adrien comes up to me. "How did you not get transformed?"

"I'm good at dodgeball, and hide and seek"

"Heh, but honestly, how did I look in that dress?"

"Honestly? You looked like everybody else. But everybody else looked good so..." I trail off, hoping he got the point.

He laughs. "Thanks"

Granddaughter of the Great Guardian (Adrien x OC)Where stories live. Discover now