Kung Food

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"She needs someone to translate into Chinese?" I ask Adrien. We were going over to Marinette's, since her uncle was visiting and he was Chinese. Adrien knocks on the door and Marinette answers.

Le Grand Paris is where we were headed. There was a chef competition being held there and Wang, Marinette's uncle, was a contestant. Turns out he did know how to speak English, meaning Adrien didn't have to be here. It was funny watching Marinette freak out over this new information.

We arrive and Wang is interviewed. Marinette apologizes to Adrien for not needed an interpreter after all. He accepts the apology but thanks her for giving him the chance to practice his Chinese. Chloe then comes in and I decide to tune out whatever was happening. Whenever she was involved I found it best to just not pay attention.

We went to the kitchen and Wang made his celestial soup. It was purple, probably where the name celestial came from, but it smelt very good. We all leave the kitchen, getting ready to hear the judging. As the judges put the soup in their mouths I can tell something isn't right. Their faces scrunch up in disgust, some of them trying to hide it. Chloe must've done something to it.

Wang storms out, ashamed of his loss. We stand there, wondering how his soup could've possibly lost, when caramel is poured over the building. It blocked the exits, locking us inside. The judges have disappeared, along with Chloe.

Wang must've been akumatized.

I stand in the lobby, waiting for the two heroes to appear. They do and we all run to the elevator. Cat has trouble opening the doors, when they open a hypnotized Jagged Stone jumps out and starts attacking them. I hide behind a plant, not wanting to be cooked into the soup being prepared by Wang. They lock him in a closet and we all continue to the elevator.

The elevator stops and the Mayor is standing there, ready to attack. He attacks and Ladybug tricks him to bringing a chandelier down on his head. They jump through the hole in the roof, leaving me in the room. I sit on a nearby couch and wait.

The chandelier is once again in the roof, meaning Wang was de-akumatized. I went back to the kitchen to join Marinette and Wang. Chloe comes in and insults Wang but Adrien stops her. Then I hear them talking about being kicked off the jury.

"Wang, it smells delicious. I know you'll win for sure," I say to Wang.

"Thank you, Lara"

We were back in front of the judges table, they tasted the soup again. They all seemed mesmerized by the soup. I smile knowing what was going to happen.

"Congratulations you are now the worlds greatest chef!" The tv announcer booms.

"I'd like this celestial soup to be on the menu in my hotel" the mayor says.

"It is no longer called celestial soup, but Marionette soup," Wang says.

Awww, so sweet.

Marionette seems happy to have a soup named after her. Me, Marinette and Adrien all sit down around a table and have some soup. It was the most delicious thing I have ever eaten. We finish eating and leave. Marinette goes one way, showing her uncle around Paris, and me and Adrien go the other way.

"I thought your house was in the opposite direction?" I say to him.

"It is. But I thought I'd walk you home"

We make it to my house and stop in front of my door. "Why thank you kind sir," I say in an English accent, making him laugh at my silly antics.

"Your welcome. I enjoy spending time with you," he says as he walks away. Before I could ask what he meant he was gone.

Why does he always do that? He can't just say something like that and then leave.

I go inside, ready to sleep. But I don't, I end up playing video games. What happened earlier was still on my mind.

What do you mean by that?

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