Dark Cupid

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"Most fairytales end with a prince kissing a princess. True love is-" I block the rest of the lesson out, not knowing the purpose of this.

The bell rings, signalling the end of class. Everybody piles out, except for me and Marinette. Adrien threw something in the trash before leaving, making Marinette go digging for it. She reads it. Chloe and Sabrina come make fun of her for digging through trash, but she was too busy reading the note.

I walk up behind her, trying to read it over her shoulder. "Whatcha got there?"

She jumps, scrambling to put it away. "Nothing! Oh, it's just you Lara," she says as Tikki comes out of the hiding place in her hair.

"So what's in your hand?" I ask, once again.

"Oh it's a note. Adrien wrote it in class," she hands it to me. "Who do you think he wrote it about?"

I skim through. Hair jet black, eyes blue as the heavens, mysterious mask, seen everyday. The description sounds a lot like Ladybug.

"Who do you think it's about?"

"Well, you have black hair and blue eyes," she says sheepishly.

"But no mask. Have you looked in a mirror recently?"

We continue talking about it while walking out of the classroom. I went to my locker while Marinette headed out with Alya. After putting my books away I find them standing next to Kim and Max, two of my classmates. They were freaking out about something, but ran off before I could ask about it.

I go home, done with school for the day, and lay down on my bed staring at the ceiling. My phone buzzes, moving around as it vibrates. It was a text from Alya.

Alya: Marionettes gonna send a message to her crush, she needs support!

Me: Alright I'm coming

I meet them at Marinette's and we walk to a mailbox, her love letter in hand. She was nervous, but reluctantly placed the letter in the box. When she does we all get texts on our phones, there was a picture of Kim sent by Chloe.

She is such a brat.

It was a picture of him handing her something that looked very expensive in a box, an empty bag of chips blown into his head by the wind. Alya makes a remark that I didn't hear and Marionette starts freaking out. As she does, Kim, in a Cupid lookalike outfit, comes and shoots Alya with an arrow. She becomes dark, saying mean things to Marinette.

She turns into Ladybug, trailing after him. I run off, trying to find Adrien. When I find him he is Cat Noir, seeming to be waiting for someone. I yell out to him, he looks at me from his spot. He was standing on his staff, which was jabbed into a building. He grabs my hand, dragging me up to his height. I try to protest but he shushes me, making me look shocked.

Why is he shushing me?

He pulled me close, starting a sentence. He only managed to say "I lo-" until he spun us around, hugging me even tighter. Behind him I see Dark Cupid, when I pull away from Cat his lips are black.

Shoot. I hope Ladybug hasn't been filled with hate yet, she's the only person who can fix this.

I jump off the staff as Cat says something about loathing me.

Oww, that hurt.

I keep running, making it to a park. I take a seat on the bench, catching my breath. I waited to see if Ladybug needed me, and she finally called about an hour later. No, I didn't sit on the bench for an hour, I went to a nearby store and waited. She told me to go to the park and that she has a plan.

I went to the park, finding the villain and two heroes, well one hero and one that turned into a hateful person. She does this cool move, dodging Cat's cataclysm and jumping on his head, launching herself towards Dark Cupid. Cat Noir and Ladybug then start fighting, and Ladybug calls me over to continue the plan.

"What do I have to do?" I yell as she dodges an attack.

"True loves kiss will break the spell!"

I sigh, knowing what I had to do. I didn't argue, not wanting to waste any time. She shoves Cat Noir towards me, making him fall on top of me. I take a quick glance at Ladybug, wondering if I really had to do this, and she motioned for me to hurry. I put my hands on either side of his face, pulling his lips onto mine before he can get up. He stills, not moving and eyes wide. Eventually, after what seemed like a very long time, he turned back to normal.

I let him go, letting him stand up. He continues fighting with Ladybug, on her side once again, I stay on the ground watching, leaning on my elbows. Kim gets de-akumatized, meaning the job was done. Ladybug runs off, so does Cat Noir, but he drags me with him.

"Why are you dragging me?"

"I need to talk to you, but I'm about to de-transform"

I stay silent and we finally make it to my house. He transforms back to Adrien, dragging me up to my room. He closes the door as I stand in the room confused. Plagg disappears, probably going to get Camembert.

"Ladybug, uhh... told me she tried to kiss me multiple times to get me back to normal but it wouldn't work," he trails off, unsure of how to say what he was trying to say.


"She said you had to kiss me in order to get me back to normal"

"Yeah, and where are you going with this?" I knew full well where he was going with this, but I wanted him to say it.

"Nothing, just wanted to thank you for saving me," he jumps out the window after transforming into Cat.

Granddaughter of the Great Guardian (Adrien x OC)Where stories live. Discover now