6. An eventful day which was only half-way through.

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Farshad's P.O.V

So this chapter is going to be in Farshad's point of view. It'll be a little tough for me to write since it's in the point of view of a guy. But I've really wanted to write this chapter so I'll try my best. However, Farshad's P.O.V is going to be very different from the guys' P.O.Vs in Living Royalty. You'll see how.
Here goes!

Farshad was just going through the list of names of the approximately two hundred freshmen. Once they had all arrived, he had to tick off their names individually under 'Present for Orientation'. As Farshad looked at all those twenty or so students that were actually present already, who would be majoring in all different subjects and pursuing different courses, he thought about his own first year, and that made him smile. He was sure that they were all anxious, nervous, excited, and happy, just like he had been.

GVU had a really strange system where a second year student was selected to give the freshmen an orientation. All second year students had come to the campus yet the Dean called Farshad and told him to be their host, which totally took him by surprise. But he was happy to be of any help in the university where he had received a scholarship. And due to his hard work and efforts paying off, Alhamdulillah, he was the best choice as a host for the orientation.

Suddenly, he saw a girl turning around, about to make a rapid exit out of the office. Upon seeing her face right before she turned on her heel, Farshad realised that it was the same girl whose foot he had stepped on by accident. The thought got him all embarrassed! How clumsy can you get that you step on someone's foot when walking?! Farshad thought to himself, as he stared at the retreating back of the hijabi girl clad in abaya. He wondered where she was headed to because the orientation was to start in about five minutes, and the other remaining students had already started filing in, in groups of about ten. He simply shrugged, as he didn't have time to worry about that girl. He needed to introduce himself to these other students who had just arrived.

Three hours later, Farshad sank into the comfortable couches in the Administration department of the campus, exhausted. Some of those freshmen had drained him out! And some of the others were really aggravating! The ones who drained him out did so by asking really ridiculous questions, which Farshad had tried his best to answer as patiently as he could. As for the aggravating ones, it was mostly those girls. Girls who tried to flirt with him. Farshad knew better than to engage in all that with them, so he had politely ignored their flirtatious remarks.

And now, as he sat on the couch, all he wanted to do was head to a café for a cappuccino. After meeting the Dean who thanked him for leading the orientation, Farshad took his leave, heading to the café near the Southeast Students' Halls of Residence. Farshad got in and ordered his cappuccino, and his mind wandered back to that girl. Strangely, she didn't come back. And funnily enough, a girl named Aliyah Hamid was the only one not present for the orientation, apart from someone called Kelsey Johnson. So seeing as that girl was a hijabi, and Aliyah Hamid is a Muslim name, Farshad put two and two together, and figured that the girl who left was Aliyah Hamid. But why did she leave just like that?

He had caught a brief peek of her face, before he looked away. She was beautiful, no denying that, with her wide grey eyes, sun-kissed skin and plump lips.  But not that he was interested in girls to gawk at them anyway. He saw so many of them, that it made no difference to him since most of them flirted with him and he had learnt to ignore them. Yet again, this girl had immediately lowered her gaze and she didn't bother to look at him after that first initial split-second glance. For sure, Farshad respected these types of girls. There were few of them, and he knew that he wanted to marry a girl he could respect.

Farshad decided not to dwell on the subject of that girl, whose name, he supposed, was Aliyah. Why am I even thinking of girls right now, well, that Aliyah girl, to be specific? It's not like I'm intending to get married anytime soon! Farshad thought to himself. He downed his cappuccino as he discarded those thoughts. He had more important things to worry about!

Once he was out of the café and on his way to the masjid for Dhuhr prayer, something caught Farshad's eye. Tracing back a couple steps on the sidewalk, he came to face a poster. A 'WANTED' poster with a picture of two men he recognised very well. And under the picture, two familiar names, namely Burhan Murat and Zack Warner. He squinted to read the little caption between the picture and their names, which said 'The Criminal Duo, to be convicted for trafficking, kidnapping and major theft'.

Without missing a beat, Farshad pulled out the poster from where it was pasted on the wall, folded it, and put it in his pocket, a grim look on his face. He knew those criminals. They were ex-prisoners, who had managed to successfully pull off a jail-break. And Farshad was determined to follow them if he caught sight of them, in order to hand them over.

No, they hadn't hurt him or anyone he loved. They hadn't done anything to him, or his family. They hadn't affected Farshad in any way. But Farshad was a good guy who wanted to benefit the inhabitants of the city where these two were. It wasn't safe, especially for the girls, to have such kind of prison escapees lurking about.

Although Farshad was studying to become something else, not a policeman nor a crime investigator or detective, sometimes, the profession of a close one makes one want to do what they once did. Yes, Farshad had lost someone he loved who was a police officer, so in order to make that beloved person proud, Farshad wanted to do what this person would have done if that person were still alive right now. After all, the one to put these two criminals into jail initially in the first place was this person who was beloved to Farshad, and Farshad simply wanted to ensure that these two criminals were back where they belonged.

With new found resolution, Farshad promised himself that as soon as he would lay his eyes on those men, he would follow them, their every action, and once he would catch them off-guard, he would hand them over immediately. In sha Allah.

With those thoughts in his mind, Farshad entered the masjid where he would find his peace and tranquility after an eventful day which was only half-way through.


Whoa! I know it was a short chapter but believe it or not, the hardest I've ever written so far! It was so difficult and it took me ages! And yeah, as mentioned earlier, unlike the chapters from guys' P.O.Vs in Living Royalty, it was different. Because this chapter was in close third and not first person.

But still, I hope you enjoyed this chapter in Farshad's P.O.V, so pleeease do vooooteee. And coommmeeenttt!!

The pic is of the alternative cover.

Have a lovely day!

bipolarhijabi09, Thank you so much for that ^ cover

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bipolarhijabi09, Thank you so much for that ^ cover. It's lovely, and I'm so glad you took the time to make it!

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