19. Give him a chance.

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The knocking on my door woke me up. I groaned. Why can't people just let me sleep? After talking to Umniyah, I had gone back to sleep, and now, I was woken up again. I contemplated on whether to ignore the knocking and just go back to sleep. I could deal with the person later. But then, it struck me, what if it was mum or dad who was knocking? So I just decided to get up and open the door.

I walked over and twisted the knob of the door, pulling it open, only to shut it again, but before I could close the door, the door was stopped by a foot.

"Whad'you want, Asif?" I demanded, grumpily.

"Calm down, Al. Let me in, at least!" Asif replied.

"You woke me up!" I narrowed my eyes at him, accusingly.

"Let me in, will you?" Asif said, impatiently.

"Make it quick. You have one minute, and then you're out!" I ordered.

"Nope!" Asif said, popping the 'p'.

"You know what? Just get out, right now! My sleep is a lot more important than whatever you're here to do!" I snapped, and attempted to shove him out. But take note, I 'attempted'. Asif was way too strong for me to actually manage to push him out.

"Done trying?" Asif asked, cockily.

I ignored him and got on my bed, pulling the comforter over me and shutting my eyes.

"Aliyah, you can't fall asleep on me!" Asif said, sounding shocked.

"Watch me!" I retorted.

"Aliyah!" Asif whined.

I opened one eye and peered at him. "Dude, look. You and Arif spoiled my mood not because you didn't come to pick us up but because you upset dad. Dad never gets upset so your actions today really did touch his nerves. And now, I'm jetlagged and exhausted, so please, give me some space, okay?"

Frankly, it wasn't just them who had ruined my mood, but also, I was down in the dumps because of Farshad. I had avoided thinking about him, but that didn't change the fact that I had feelings for him, neither did it change the fact that I might never see him again.

"Aliyah, please. I'm sorry. I'm just here because...because I missed you, okay? You see, you're the only one who can't be angry at me for long. I mean, even Adil used to stay angry with me for more than a day and I was so close to him!" Asif pleaded.

The mention of Adil's name touched my heart. I knew how close Asif and Adil used to be. And Adil always understood Asif. I knew how much Asif missed Adil, and I didn't want Asif to feel that he doesn't have anyone, apart from Arif, to turn to now that Adil is no more. So I immediately pushed the comforter away and sat up, and patted the spot next to me for Asif to come and sit, which he did.

"So..." I began, trailing off, wanting Asif to speak first.

He immediately grabbed me in a bone-crushing embrace which I returned. When he pulled away, he started talking.

"Aliyah! I'm not kidding! I have really missed you. You know, our banters and all. I know that Arif and I are lazy and all, and even though you disapprove of us, you've never looked down upon us," Asif said.

I was so touched by what he was saying, I almost found it funny that Asif was capable of saying such things!

"I've missed you too, Asif! To be honest, our bantering used to make my day! And I missed how you and Arif could always make me happy even during my low days," I said, sincerely.

"What is this sappy, sentimental stuff happening over here?" We heard a voice from behind us, and both of our heads snapped in that direction to see Arif leaning against the doorframe, with his hands in his jeans pockets.

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