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Lakitu: Welcome to Super Mario Dog Eat Dog! I am your host, Lakitu. Let's meet our 7 competitors!







And Ludwig!

Everyone: *waves hello and starts to talk*
Lakitu: Now, if you don't know how to play this game, it is very simple. Each round I will announce a challenge. Then each person votes on the loser, or person that they think will fail the challenge. The person with the most votes is the "loser". Then the loser takes on the challenge. If they fail at the challenge, they are sent to what's called the dog pound. However, if they succeed, they are safe. They also must choose someone to go to the dog pound, but it must be someone who voted for them as the loser.

For example:
Let's say there are 4 people left. Person A and B vote for C as the loser, D votes for B, and C votes for A. Since it was a 2-1-1-0 vote, C takes on the challenge. If C succeeds, then he can either send person A, or person B to the dog pound, because they were the only ones that voted for C.

So that is how you play!

Morton: I'm ready!!
Larry: Yeah!!!
Lemmy: This is gonna be fun!
Roy: Awesome!
Ludwig: Yep!
Wendy: WOOHOO!
Iggy: Oh yeah!

Lakitu: See you next time on Dog Eat Dog!!

Author's Note: Hey guys! A beginning of a new story that will be fairly short, because I'm working on another one right now. I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I love writing it! :)

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