Challenge 1 Reveal and Vote

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Lakitu: Welcome back to Dog Eat Dog! Today we will reveal our first challenge, and each contestant will vote on the loser.

Cmon in guys!!

Koopalings: *walk in to beach*

Lakitu: Welcome to your first challenge!

Everyone: *claps*

Lakitu: For today's challenge, the loser will stand on 2 platforms, with one leg on each platform. Then, I will ask them a Mario question. If they fail to answer it correctly, the platforms move further apart. If you fall into the water before you answer ten questions, you are sent to the dog pound! If you succeed, you choose someone who voted for you to go to the dog pound! We call this, the sliding platform trivia!

Morton: Hmmm....
Ludwig: Interesting.
Wendy: Ok.

Lakitu: *hands out paper and pens to everyone* Write down who you want to be the loser that has to do the challenge on your piece of paper! Remember, write who you think will FAIL at the challenge. When you are done, hand your paper and pen to me. Go!

Lemmy: This will be hard!
Ludwig: *writes*
Morton: *writes*

Lakitu: Everyone is writing right now! Haha! Get it? Writing right now? It's like writing WRITE now? Hahahahahahahaha ok my jokes are bad.

*awkward silence*

Lakitu: Just hand me your papers when you're done!

Everyone: *hands in papers*

Lakitu: *tallies votes* I have the loser! Next chapter we will read the votes and have the challenge take place! Goodbye for now!

Authors Note: I will try to update this at least once a day or once two days, depending on how busy I am. Anyways enjoy!

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