Challenge 2 Reveal and Vote

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Lakitu: Welcome back to Dog Eat Dog! Last time, Roy was chosen to take on a mentally and physically challenging uh- challenge, and didn't even come close to completing it! What will happen this time? Find out right now!

(At the challenge yard)
Lakitu: Come on in Guys!

Koopalings: *walk back in*

Lakitu: Alright, it's time to get to your second challenge! First, welcome Roy!

Roy: *walks back in* Hey guys!

Lakitu: Roy, take a spot on the bench. The dog pound will always come to every challenge from now on. Roy has been staying at a luxurious mansion and will stay there till the game ends!

Everyone: Lucky!

Roy: *smiles*

Lakitu: Okay, so for the second challenge the loser will be shown 3 items on a table. Using only their sense of sight, they have to determine which one weighs the most. They will be given 3 sets of 3 items. If they fail to correctly answer at least 2 of the sets, they are sent to the dog pound!

Roy: Hey, that's so much easier than my challenge!
Lakitu: Shush!

Now, it's time to vote! *hands out papers and markers* So on your slip of paper write down who you want the loser to be!

(3 minutes later)

Lakitu: Alright, I have tallied the votes! We'll read them next episode, on Dog Eat Dog!

Authors Note: I think I'm making these chapters too small 😂 But it doesn't matter, it's meant to be short. See ya next time!

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