Challenge 1

222 6 10

Lakitu: Welcome back everyone! Last time we revealed our challenge, and now it's time to read the votes! The person with the most votes will be the loser!

First vote... Roy!

Next vote... Ludwig!

Third vote... Roy!

Fourth vote... Morton!

Fifth vote... Roy!

Sixth vote... Roy!

Last vote... Ludwig!

The final count is 4 votes Roy, 2 votes Ludwig, 1 vote Morton. Roy is the loser!

Roy: Aw... come on! *gets on platforms*

Lakitu: First question: What is the first enemy that you see in Super Mario Bros?
Roy: Easy. Goomba.
Lakitu: Correct! You have 1 point. Next question: Mario is to Peach as Toad is to ____.
Roy: Um... Toadsworth?
Lakitu: Incorrect! The correct answer was Toadette!
*platforms move further apart*

Lakitu: Who are the two Koopalings fought in the special worlds of New Super Mario Bros. 2?
Roy: Larry, and uh... Wendy?
Lakitu: Larry is right, but it's Lemmy, not Wendy. That counts as right and wrong.

*platforms move apart*

Roy: This is hard to stand on!
Lakitu: That's the point.

Name one invention created by Professor E. Gadd.

Roy: F.L.U.D.D.

Lakitu: Correct! You now have 3 points. In New Super Mario Bros. Wii, world 3 is the ___ world.

Roy: Uh... I dunno, Beach?

Lakitu: Wrong! *platforms move further apart* Correct answer was Ice or Winter. Looks like you're on your last legs! Next question: Which came out first: Super Mario Bros 2 or Super Mario World?

Roy: Easy. Super Mario World.



Roy: *falls of platform*
Lakitu: Wow! Roy wasn't even CLOSE to 10 points! He is sent to the dog pound!

Roy: Awww...

Lakitu: Grab your stuff, here's a map to the dog pound.
Roy: Is it a literal dog pound?
Lakitu: No! It's just a house where you stay until the game is over.

Roy: Oh ok. *reads map* Bye! I'll still win the 5,000 coins, don't worry!
Morton: Yeah, right.

Lakitu: And with that, six are left! Join us next time, on Dog Eat Dog!

Authors Note: Well, I hope enjoy this story so far! It's hard to write two stories at once, but I'll try 😛

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