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Hey everyone! Goomba_Boii here. Anyways, I really hoped you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it! Without further ado, let's get on to the Elim Order and summary.

Elimination Order (if you skipped ahead to this, shame on you):
7th: Roy
6th: Ludwig
5th: Iggy
4th: Morton
3rd: Wendy
2nd: Lemmy
Winner: Larry (30,000 Coins)

Episode 1-
Challenge: Sliding Platform Trivia
Votes: 4 Roy, 2 Ludwig, 1 Morton
Sent to Dog Pound: Roy

Episode 2-
Challenge: TONS of Fun!
Votes: 3 Wendy, 3 Ludwig
Tie-breaker Vote: Ludwig
Sent to Dog Pound: Ludwig

Episode 3-
Challenge: Water Weight Walk
Votes: 3 Lemmy, 2 Wendy
Sent to Dog Pound: Iggy

Episode 4-
Challenge: Balloon Shot
Votes: 1 Lemmy, 1 Wendy, 1 Morton, 1 Larry
Tie-breaker Vote: Lemmy
Sent to Dog Pound: Morton

Episode 5-
Challenge: Platform Peril
Votes: 2 Larry, 1 Wendy
Sent to Dog Pound: Wendy

Episode 6-
Challenge: Who knows it best?
Top Dog: Larry
Sent to Dog Pound: Lemmy

Final Trivia-
Points: 5 Points Larry, 2 Points Koopalings
Winner: Larry

And that's it! I hope you enjoyed this story, seriously. Thanks for sticking by me this whole time! Now for the fun part.

My new story is just around the corner.
No words. One picture. Says it all.

 Says it all

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Stay tuned.

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