Challenge 4

123 3 0

Laktiu: Alright, it's time to read the votes!

First vote... *turns paper around* Lemmy!

Lemmy: *sighs*

Lakitu: Next vote... Morton!

Morton: Whattttt
Lakitu: Third vote... Wendy! That's one vote Lemmy, one vote Morton, one vote Wendy, one vote left.

Last vote...


Everyone: WHAT?!!?!?!?

Lakitu: Wow! That's one vote for everyone! Alright, so per rules of the game, if there is a tie between two or more players, the most recent member sent to the dog pound breaks the tie! So Iggy, who's it gonna be?

Iggy: Well, last time, Lemmy sent me to the dog pound, so uh... sorry Lemmy.

Lemmy: Not again!
Lakitu: Alright, Lemmy! Get ready.. your two minutes starts now!

Archer: *shoots and hits balloon*
Lemmy: *hits balloon* Darn, this is hard!

Archer: *misses*
Lemmy: *hits*

Archer: *misses*
Lemmy: *hits*

Lakitu: Lemmy is leading 3-1! 1:30 left! Go go go!

Lemmy: *tries to shoot really fast but fails*
Archer: *hits two balloons*

Lakitu: It's tied 3-3! One minute left!

Lemmy: *keeps shooting but misses*
Archer: *misses*

Lemmy: *hits*
Archer: *hits*

Lakitu: It's neck and neck! 4-4! 10 seconds left!

Lemmy: *hits*
Archer: *misses*

Lemmy: *misses*
Archer: *hits*

Lakitu: 5, 4, 3, 2...

Lemmy: *hits*

Lakitu: TIMES UP! Wow, well it looks like Lemmy has won again!
Lemmy: Woohoo!!

Everyone: *claps*

Morton: But that means...

Lakitu: Alright, so Lemmy can't really choose who goes to the dog pound, because Morton was the only one who voted Lemmy!

Morton is eliminated, and becomes the 4th member of the dog pound!

Morton: Omigosh, no faiirrrr!!!
Lemmy: Sorry Morton.

Lakitu: Alright, Dog Pound, head on out.

Dog Pound: *leaves*

Lakitu: Larry, Lemmy, Wendy, congrats, you made it to the final 3.

Wendy: Yes!
Lemmy: Woohoo!
Larry: Yay!

Lakitu: You three, grab your stuff, head on out.

Everyone: *leaves*

Lakitu: Join us next time, on Super Mario Dog Eat Dog!

Authors Note: Can't believe I'm almost done with this already! Well, it was meant to be a short story :P But anyways, I hope you're enjoying this! Bye for now!

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