Challenge 6

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Lakitu: Last time on Super Mario Dog Eat Dog...

There was a final challenge in which Larry was chosen as the loser, but a mistake was made as he won in the end. He chose to send Wendy to the dog pound, and now we are left with 2. Who will become Top Dog, and who will become the final member of the dog pound? Find out now, on Super, Mario, Dog Eat Dog!

Cmon in guys!

Dog Pound: *comes in and sits on bench*

Larry and Lemmy: *come in*

Lakitu: Alright, so Larry and Lemmy will now compete in the final challenge. The winner becomes top dog, and the loser becomes the final member of the dog pound. Tomorrow, the top dog will face the dog pound in the final trivia, to see who the winner is! Now, there's no voting, so we're getting right to the contest? Wanna know what it is?

Everyone: *nods*
Lakitu: So, Larry and Lemmy will each stand behind a large wheel. There are 34 sides on the wheel, each side has a logo of one of the seasons of the hit T.V. show, "Survivor", hosted by none other than Jeff Probst.

Lemmy: Hey, I love that show!
Larry: Same!

Lakitu: Anyways, I will ask you a question (the answer being a season), and you will turn the wheel until the season you think the correct answer is on the top of the wheel. If you're right, you score a point. First to 5 points wins! Understand?

Everyone: *nods*

Lakitu: Let's begin.

Question 1: Which season was the first season to feature all returning players?

*wheels spin*

Lakitu: Both say All Stars, All Stars is correct! We're tied 1-1.

Question 2: The tribe of 6 that lost 4 times in a row was in what season?

*wheels spin*

Lakitu: Lemmy says Philippines, Larry says Kaōh Rong. Lemmy is correct! Sorry Larry, you were close.

Lemmy: Yes!
Larry: Aww.

Lakitu: Question 3: When was the most recent time when tribes were divided into Men Vs. Women?

*wheels spin*

Lemmy says One World, Larry says One World, that's correct! Lemmy still leads 2-3.

Larry: *sigh* *thinks* I can't give up! I'm gonna do this.

Lakitu: Question 4: In which season was there a castaway who had a pet snake?

*wheels spin*

Lemmy: Uh... Uh...
Lakitu: Lemmy, I need an answer.

Lemmy: Uh... Got it!

Lakitu: Ok, Lemmy says Vanuatu, Larry says Thailand, the correct answer was the Pearl Islands. No one got it correct! Rupert had a pet snake called Balboa.

Question 5: In which season did they have this same exact challenge that we're doing right now?

*wheels spin*

Lemmy says Caramoan (Fans Vs. Favorites 2), Larry says Micronesia (Fans Vs. Favorites 1). The correct answer is Micronesia! Larry ties it up 3-3.

Larry: Yes!

Lakitu: Question 6: Which season has the highest ranking to date?

*wheels spin*

Lemmy says Heroes Vs. Villains, Larry says Australia. Australia is correct! Larry scores again and leads 4-3!

Larry: Yay!!!

Lemmy: Oh no!!

Lakitu: Alright, Larry could do it right here. Question 7: When was the first season where both starting tribes had the same number of letters in their names?

*wheels spin*

Lakitu: Lemmy says The Amazon, Larry says Palau. Amazon came first, but did the tribes have the same number of letters in their names? The correct answer is...



Larry: YESSSSSS!!!!!!

Lemmy: Darn! It's ok, I can still win in the dog pound!
Larry: gg Lemmy, it was fun playing with you.
Lemmy: Same. Cya.

Lakitu: Ok, so Lemmy becomes the final member of the dog pound. Tomorrow, Larry will face the dog pound and the winner will be crowned! Dog Pound, grab your stuff, head on out.

Dog Pound: *leaves*

Lakitu: Larry, congratulations. You are one step closer to wining this game. All you gotta do is beat the dog pound in the trivia tomorrow. Grab your stuff, head on out.

Larry: Thanks, bye. *leaves*

Lakitu: Join us next time, on Super, Mario, DOG EAT DOG!

Authors Note: Yay, we're almost done with this book! Sorry to all those Lemmy fans :(

Anyways, the final should come out soon. Tell me who you think is gonna win! Larry or the Dog Pound?

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