Challenge 2

173 3 0

Lakitu: Welcome back! So now we're gonna read the votes. If you don't remember what the challenge was, simply go back to last episode and re-read it. It won't take long.

Here we go!

First vote- Wendy!

Second Vote- Wendy!

Third Vote- Ludwig!

Fourth Vote- Ludwig! We're tied, two votes Wendy, two votes Ludwig!

Fifth Vote- Wendy! That's three votes Wendy!

Final Vote- Ludwig! This means we are tied 3-3!

In the event of a tie, the most recent member sent to the dog pound breaks the tie. So Roy, who's the loser? Ludwig or Wendy?

Roy: Well, Ludwig, because I like Pink.

Wendy: Yay!

Ludwig: Seriously???

Lakitu: Alright Ludwig! *reveals first set of items* We have: A blender, a flower vase, and a big rock! You have 5 minutes to decide!

(3 minutes later)

Ludwig: Okay, I think the Rock is the heaviest.

Lakitu: Here is the list from heaviest to lightest:
1. Rock
2. Blender
3. Vase

You are correct!

Ludwig: YAY

Lakitu: Next set! *reveals* A computer, a printer, and a giant fan!

Ludwig: Well, I think it's the printer.

Laktiu: Here's the list:
1. Fan
2. Printer
3. Computer

You are incorrect!

Ludwig: No!!!
Lakitu: So it comes down to the last set of items! *reveals*

We have cell phone, a computer mouse, and a watch!

Ludwig: Aw, this one's hard!

(3 minutes later)
Lakitu: You have 2 minutes left!

Ludwig: Well, I know it's not the mouse...

(2 minutes later)
Lakitu: Times up! What's your final decision?

Ludwig: Hmmm... I'll say the Watch, cause it's made of gold.

Lakitu: The list is...
1. Cell Phone
2. Watch
3. Mouse

Sorry Ludwig, but you have been sent to the dog pound!

Ludwig: DARN IT!!!!
Lakitu: Don't worry, you still have a chance of winning 5,000 coins!

Now, Roy and Ludwig, head on out back to the mansion A.K.A. Dog Pound.
Roy and Ludwig: *leave*

Lakitu: You five have survived another round!

Lemmy: Yes!
Larry: Cool!
Wendy: Woohoo!
Morton: Yay!

Lakitu: Okay, the Five of you, grab your stuff, and head back to your houses.

Everyone: *leaves*

Lakitu: Join us next time, on Dog Eat Dog!!

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