Challenge 3 Reveal and Vote

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Lakitu: Wellllllcome back to Super Mario: Dog Eat Dog. Last time, there was a weight challenge, testing Ludwig's sense of sight, and he failed. What will happen this time? Find out now, on DOG EAT DOG!

Remaining Contestants (5): Morton, Iggy, Larry, Wendy, Lemmy

Dog Pound (2): Roy, Ludwig

(At the challenge area)

Lakitu: C'mon in guys!

Everyone: *walks in*

Lakitu: Roy and Ludwig, come on in!
Dog Pound: *walks in and sits on bench*

Lakitu: Alright, so today's challenge will test your physical ability, and your balance. The loser will go underwater and try to cross a 50 foot balance beam. You can come up for air whenever you want. The catch is, you have to carry an 80 pound weight while you're crossing!

Wendy: Wow.
Morton: That's hard!

Lakitu: If you can't cross the beam successfully within 2 minutes or you fall off the balance beam, you lose and are sent to the dog pound!

I'll give you a moment to think about who you want to vote as the loser.

(2 minutes later)
Lakitu: Ok, it's time to vote! *passes out papers and markers* Write down the contestant who you want to be the loser and take on the challenge!

Everyone: *writes and hands to Lakitu*

Lakitu: Alright, we will read the votes and have the challenge next time, on Super Mario Dog Eat Dog!

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