Chapter 01: From Where It Has All Begun

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Into A Whole New Magical World with You

Chapter 01: From where it has all begun

Walking alone down into this lonely valley makes me think of my real purpose here in Majica (pronounce as 'Mahika'). Why I'm far more different compared to everybody? Why am I the only one who has this tiny ears? Where do I really come from? How come I do not have any magical powers unlike any other fairies here in our very own kingdom? They say that little pixies will have their very own powers at the age of sixteen. I am waiting for this magical abilities for three years already. Some of my Friends starts to make a distance away from me thinking that I'm a curse child. A daughter of a commoner fairy and a black-cursed rebel royal soldier. In what do I looks like, I am starting to believe that the rumors surfacing about me are true.

Shall I tell you what my world seems like? It is very beautiful, as the matter of fact. It is a whole new magical world divided into five kingdoms: the kingdom of Fire, Air, Water, Earth and a kingdom called Soul which centers the four kingdoms and sets peace and freedom in all of the fairies and pixies living here in Majica.

The Kingdom of Fire. Fairies living in this place are known for their strongest and unbeatable weapons when it comes in the line of battle. They act as the blacksmiths that provides the whole Majica weapons for protection and other useful metallic needs of all fairies. They are harsh and doesn't trust anybody except for their own kind. Their King only shows himself in front of the queen of Soul Kingdom, the highest among all rulers. His sons are also the scariest among the other princes, they do not show mercy at all. For them, "It is life you take away from an innocent, then it is also life you shall pay for it." That's why no one has the courage to challenge or question their reigning. They are rude and do not know the word 'forgiveness' but they surely are in justice.

The Kingdom of Air. Ruled by their queen, shows the beauty and kindness inside and out in each and every one. They can see the fairness in everything. They use their heart and mind in ruling. They are the prettiest among all fairies. It is my wish to be just like them but unfortunately, I am not. Just as how beautiful their queen is, also reflects the princes. Everyone says that you will melt when you see them by your eyes because they shine the brightest. A cool breeze of wind will makes you freeze when you're in front of them. It is heaven to be in their kingdom. I admire them the most though princes of four kingdoms are not so easy to be seen anywhere. Only those who have businesses with the royal family and those who serves them in the palace can see what they looks like. "The light that can be only seen at the deepest shallow of darkness." For me, it is like falling in love into someone whom you have never met. A quite mysterious thought − I know... but I don't know why whenever I read those books about them, a part of me aches like I already been there.

The Kingdom of Water. Just as how clear the water is. They are always and will always be like that. They have the simplest way of living in the whole Majica. There are no troubles at all. They are the creatures that has the hearts more than pride. They had the ability to breath under water. As what from what I've heard about them, their queen is as pure as a pearl in the deep blue sea and has a deep knowledge like the depth itself. A very caring mother into his sons and into her subjects. Every kingdom has its own mystery that envelopes the whole nation, I am not sure if it is real or not, but the saying is they know everything about it. "The truth lies in those who sees themselves in the sky." A letter in a bottle says so. I found it once at the shore while I'm alone. There's a green light that surrounds and enchants the bottle so I am positive that it is from one of them. And I also believe that it was there for a reason and a purpose.

The Kingdom of Earth. This is where I belong. We are known for being the greatest in battles whether in magic or in swords. For me, it is a paradise. We are at the East side of Soul Kingdom while Water is at West, Air at North and Fire at South. Just like the capital, all other kingdoms can be seen from here. Up from a very sacred place. Fairies in our own kind can easily enter the sacred mountain that royal families from generation protect away from those whose greed exceeds the limit. In here, you can distinguish who's real or who's not, what's the truth and what's a lie. There's a riddle that can be seen in each and every wall here at Earth's surroundings. It goes like this; "A flower of Soul that Earth has and protected by Water, blessed by Air and watched over by Fire." Even I doesn't know what the answer is. I've seen almost all of the flowers that can be found only here at our Kingdom but still cannot figure it out. And to be honest, I am now starting to doubt whether if it is just a riddle or something's into it. Just what kind of flower was that? Our place is not so special compared into other fairies' motherland but it is also the reason why it makes it more different. Like a one red rose in a garden full of white petals. Like 'me' who is quite different ever since the petal of my mother's flower bloom and give life to me.

"Back in here again, my child?"

Fairy Godmother flies around me as she pour some gold dust right above my head. She's an old mysterious fairy living here in Majica for a great number of years. Though you cannot easily distinguish it by her appearance because she still looks so young. Fairies doesn't really grow old unlike those folk stories about humans that elders always tell to the little pixies. The purple coat she is wearing hides her true beauty. Her gold armored dress makes it harder for an eye to see her easily. It shines too bright, it can make your eyesight be gone. Her curly black hair is tied up by her diamond flower pin. She has an almond shaped eyes, pointy nose and lips as pink as a rose. Her ears are like mine compared to others that has the features of an elf ears. I know it all because I already see her without her cloak accidentally. I'm just like her. Different as it seems to be.

"A dewdrop falls in a calm and crystal clear water."

I didn't answer her instead I smile as a response. There's no need for me to speak a word because in the first place, she can read someone's mind.

"The four elements is the answer to your questions."

"How come?" I asked her as I avoid her gazes and look from afar.

"It is all in here." She points my heart and lift my chin up making me to look directly at her face. "Your heart beats everything you need to know."

She left me alone and fly towards the woods without looking back. I now need to figure out the meaning of her words. I can clearly understand it but the sound of my heart seems like getting louder and louder as I think of it even more.

'A dewdrop, the four elements, and my heart?'

"A dewdrop? Water?"

"Did you ever see a dewdrop in a form of fire?"

"Who's out there!?" I hurriedly put my gold edged brown cloak given by Fairy Godmother and look carefully at my surrounding. Why do I suddenly had this warm feeling? "Show yourself."

"Leave this place at instant."

What!? Am I being ordered to leave this place? Just where from hell does he come from? That cold voice makes me mad.

"I don't want to."

"Be nice to me while I'm still good to you."

"Do you want to get struck by my magic?"

I close my eyes to sense his presence. I know I have no magic with me but I still need to pretend to bring this Ice down to fire.

"Where is he?"


I touch the right side of my forehead and see blood runs in it. Did he just use his powers on me? I cannot move an inch knowing that his near me and in just a second, he can swing his magic again.

"Blood?" I stare at my hand covered with blood. I'm an Earth's warrior fairy but this scar is not an ordinary cut made by any kind of magic. What kind of fairy is he?


"I won't. I found this place first, you're the one who needs to leave." I calmly answer him and look directly at his direction. I cannot see him in my eyes but I know that his just standing still in there. "You. You're not from here. Who are you?"

As I stare at his direction, there's a sudden flash that catches my eyes. Is it real? I'm not quite sure. Without knowing to myself, I run without any particular reason or direction.

What did I just see? How come it feels so scary, sad and there's tragedy in his eyes? Why did I suddenly had this vision? Or is it just a daydream? It never happen before.

I stop from running at nowhere. I suddenly felt a strong pain from the scar I've got from him, whether if it was really his. I'm lost at the woods. Where am I? And who... are you?

Countless thoughts I had about what actually happen before my vision starts to dark.

I hope it is just a dream.

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