Chapter 12: She's Gone

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The princes halt their movements for a while. The ground finally stops. The sky slowly turns to dim. Casualties happen in just one single moment.

Dennis, who is now a king, hurriedly runs out the fortress back to his castle. The princes on the other hand, starts to connect with their subjects using telepathy. Nathan, Henry, Marcus and Bryan were asked to go check their parents at the haven while their brothers will be back to their very own kingdom. They all separate their ways in a hurry.

"Marcus, will you be alright?" Nathan whispered at him.

"No. Are you thinking what I am thinking?"

They both look at each other's eyes and have this kind of agreement between the both of them.

"Carefully talk to my father and tell him the truth. You can never lie anyway."

"What if he kills me?"

"That's your problem, not mine."

Marcus flee the scene.

He nervously holds his necklace and pray. It is still shining. He knows that everything is fine, that she is safe. But for how long? It is slowly decreasing its light. His necklace is connected to the hairpin, Cassiopeia has. He made it himself for him to know her condition.

Along his way towards the woods, he can see the tragedy. How come and how may a single sudden movement of the ground can cause such tremendous calamity?

He tries to ignore everyone on his way but his heart is telling him to watch and listen to the griefs of their subjects. His responsibilities as a prince must always be first before anything else. Even if it also means that he have to set aside his love one, Cassiopeia.

"Cassiopeia... hold on for a little longer."

Back to the haven, the three princes are all in silence as they try to avoid each other's gazes. No one wants to break the silence and then, Jerome come.

"The royal majesties are fine but I advise that..."

"To stay here for a little longer?" Henry cut him and continue his words.

"Your parents are still weak because of the poison they had. Also, I think it is time for you all princes to take this matter seriously. You are not a kid anymore. You are all princes that will soon take over to the legacy your parents has continue through generations."

"Take over?" Bryan asked him again like he needs more clarification.

"Each kingdom needs a ruler."

"That means, one of us brothers will soon reign?"

Jerome shook his head out of frustration. "Don't tell me you never thought of that?"

"I'm out! Matthew can rule the Earth Kingdom."

"Me too! I will let Vincent and Aiden to decide which one of them will rule the Water Orb."

"Same as it goes to me too. Andrew is more suitable to be a king, better than I am."

"You three are just wanting to get away from responsibilities."

They all smile, waiting for Jerome to leave.

"I need to talk to King Sol." Nathan excuses himself and head straight to the left without looking back.

He knocks three times and enter to find the King on his feet, standing outside the balcony, staring at his kingdom.

"Your majesty, I'm sorry to intrude your..."

"Where is Marcus?"

The great king do not even look or take a glimpse at him.

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