Chapter 08 : One Step at a Time

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Cassiopeia's POV:

It's been a week.

I never thought leaving the Castle will make me feel this kind of way.

When I'm on half of my way to recovery from what happen in the past few days at the castle's field, Prince Nathan decided to send me back home.

My remaining days in the castle becomes a memory that I can never forget. Though I never had a chance to leave my room because the Queen orders to have the royal guards stand at my door day and night, the princes are doing me a favor to watch over me whenever I feel bored and wanting to have a little walk outside. In that way, the Queen can never say "No". She said that having the princes at my side will make her feel at ease at least.

They seem to be nicer than I ever imagine.

But I do not understand why they are acting like that.

"Mind if I join you?" My mom enters my room and sit at the edge of my bed. "You seem to be out these past few days. You're here with me but it feels like you've gone away."

I was sitting at the ledge of my window, staring in the distance. I bitterly smile and turn to her for an answer.

"It feels empty. Right here." Pointing my heart.

"Cassiopeia, you know it yourself that the happiness I have when I had you is my weakness. You are my weakness! Without you, it will never be the same. You're my daughter. Please, understand me."

"I have tried and I am trying to. Mom, I just can't!"

"You will learn to know everything when you are older."

"I'm already nineteen years old. How much longer do I need to... "

I restrain myself from talking too much. I know I will hurt her, she's my mother anyway.

"I guess you need more time to reflect on your own. The dinner's served. Call me when you feel like eating. I will bring it here."

I avoid her gazes and stare back outside my window.

Why do I need to be in here anyway? Stuck at a room fifty meters above the ground.

On the second thought, why did I endure to stay in here? As in, like five days in a tower?

I rush on my closet then took my cloak and my Sapphire blue knitted blanket before I leave. I check the height twice before ensuring to myself that I will not get hurt when I jump outside this window for my freedom. I already met the death once, they say it is sweeter in a second time around.

"On the count of three." I stand at the ledge and prepare myself. "One... two... here goes nothing. THREE!"

Please. Please. Please. This one won't hurt.

I close my eyes, waiting for my fall at the ground but it is getting longer and longer. It has to be in just ten seconds or so.


A bubble? I land at a bubble?

It catches me and safely put me down at the ground.

It couldn't be... No. Isn't it?

Never mind. I will only get caught in the act if I do not get out of here, quick.

I hide behind the huge bush to check if no one is around when a feather touches my cheek. I try to shake it off but it only disappear in a matter of second then comes back again to caress my other cheek.

"What the..." I turn around and see this creature standing, few inches away from me.

He grabs my waist and cover my lips. "They will hear you."

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