Chapter Five

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Sarah awoke from her deep sleep. The room was pitch black. Its aura creepy with a strange smell lingering in the air. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. There was an alien feeling in the air, it felt as if that someone or something was in the house.

She sat up and scanned the room. The whole house was silent and she was surrounded by cold. A sudden loud crash from downstairs gained her attention. She turned to Nathan as to wake him up, however, he was nowhere to be found.

"Nathan," She called into the darkness. There was no reply. Suddenly, another crash came from downstairs, this one louder than the last. It was followed by the sound of smashing plates falling onto the kitchen floor. Sarah fear gripping her tightly, slowly pulled the covers off, the cold night air oozing into the bed, seizing her body in an icy grip.

She moved toward the bedroom door, her feet being pinched by the cold floor. An eerie breeze pushed past her, as she neared the door. Another smash came from downstairs. Her whole body was shaking when she reluctantly opened the bedroom door. She popped her head out slowly, peering down the dark hallway. The hallway was lit only by the yellow moonlight shining from through the single window on the far end. The house was silent again.

Sarah could feel her neck hairs prickling and little goosebumps rising on her skin. Her conscious mind screamed at her to forget what she heard and return to bed, however she did not. She needed to know what was going on downstairs.

The stairway was dark. Sarah turned on the light, however, it did not turn on. She summoned the small amount of courage she had and descended the stairs, the walls feeling as if they were closing in on her. Her heart thumped in her chest. Another eerie wisp of air came from behind her, making her turn around. She could have sworn that she saw a black shadow disappear round the corner.

She continued down the stairs, the wooden floorboards creaking loudly as she went. Sarah reached the bottom of the stairs and crept into the lounge. The whole lower floor was pitch black. She moved toward the fireplace, found a vintage candle lantern, placed a large candle inside and lit it with a match.

The candle provided a small ray of light. There was nothing in the lounge. The sofa and cushions were exactly as she had left them before leaving the house earlier that day. She continued into the kitchen, to find some pots that had been smashed on the kitchen floor. She looked up at the window, which to her horror, was completely smashed to pieces.

She walked over to the sink, to find that the whole frame of the window had been pushed out and was lying in ruins on the kitchen floor. What could have done this she thought to herself, as she knelt down to inspect the window frame.

A sudden noise from behind her made her jump to her feet. It was not just any sound. From behind her, was a deep thundering growl; it was as if Satan himself was growling at her. The room grew even colder and the strange stench she had smelt earlier, invaded her nostrils, making her gag.

She slowly turned to face the source of the terrifying growling and what she was met with, made her scream into her hands. Standing before her was a black wolf. However, it was larger than any wolf she had ever seen. It was monstrous, the size of a mule, with clean black fur which gleaming in the candle light. The wolf stood strong with its large amount of power within the muscles beneath its fur exterior. It had large fangs protruding dangerously out from beneath its black lips. Its paws were massive nearly as big as Sarah's head with razor sharp claws sticking out from underneath its furry paw. However, the most horrifying thing about the wolf, the feature that had made her scream was its eyes. They gleamed red as if from the fiery pits of hell itself, and they were staring right at her.

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